Learning Together with CLC: The Existence of Criminal Punishment for Corruption Offenders in Prevention and Eradication Efforts

Author: Organizing Committee of Learning Together CLC 2023 | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - The Criminal Law Community (CLC) Learning Together activity took place on Friday (15/12/2023). This CLC Learning Together discusses how arrangements related to the threat of criminal penalties and efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption cases in Indonesia that still occur today.

Learning Together CLC 2023 is an activity like giving material in lectures but packaged casually and lightly, where in this Bareng CLC 2023 activity invited the lecturer of the Criminal Law Lab / Section of FH UNUD, I Gusti Ngurah Nyoman Krisnadi Yudiantara, S.H., M.H. The activity was held at Ledang Space & Studio which is located at Jalan Tukad Yeh Biu No.11, Sesetan, Denpasar. The CLC 2023 Learning Together activity was carried out through several sessions, namely a material delivery session on "The Existence of Criminal Law Threats for Corruption Offenders in Efforts to Prevent and Eradicate It." After the presentation of the material, it was continued with a discussion session where the participants had a discussion with the speaker.

The purpose of learning together is to provide deeper knowledge and open up insights into the Crime of Corruption for all members, and CLC functionaries and increase critical thinking in understanding and analyzing concrete cases related to the Crime of Corruption.