Food Technology Study Program, Udayana University Holds Traditional Balinese Food Practicum, Participated by 8 PMM Students from Various Universities
The Food Technology Study
Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University is the only
Food Technology study program that offers Balinese Traditional Food courses
from similar Study Programs throughout Indonesia. Based on this, it can be said
that Traditional Balinese Food is a characteristic of the Unud Food Technology
Study Program. This course, which had a unique and interesting impression, was
attended by 8 PMM students from various universities in Indonesia, including 2
students from Sam Ratulangi University and 1 student each from Kahuripan Kediri
University, Hasanuddin University, Malikussaleh University, Madako University,
Jambi University and University of Tribhuwana Tungga Dewi.
Interestingly, the practical
implementation of this course was welcomed with great enthusiasm by students.
This course, which was attended by Class of 2022 students and 8 National PMM
students, held a practicum in the Food Processing Laboratory. The practicum
process was accompanied by a lecturer, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sugitha,
M.Sc., Mr. I Putu Suparthana, S.P., M.Agr., PhD., and Mrs. Putu Julyantika Nica
Dewi, S.TP., M.TP. Practicum implementation provides students with direct
experience in the production of several traditional Balinese foods such as
Chicken Order, Jackfruit Satay and Jaja Uli,
One of the lecturer
representatives was Mrs. Putu Julyantika Nica Dewi, S.TP., M.TP. said that the
practicum carried out is expected to provide students with experience and
understanding in the production process of several traditional Balinese foods.
Apart from that, it is hoped that with the practicum students will have a
better understanding of traditional Balinese food itself, maintaining and
preserving traditional Balinese food and it is also hoped that later they will
be able to develop traditional Balinese food, "So it is hoped that
practicum activities can support learning in achieving learning outcome of the
courses," she said.