Increasing Competency in Technological Development in the Field of Dentistry, FK Unud Invites Speakers from India

Increasing Competency in Technological Development in the Field of Dentistry, FK Unud Invites Speakers from India


In order to increase competence and update knowledge in the field of dental technology, the Undergraduate Dentistry and Dental Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held the Udayana Dentistry Seminar which was held at the International Conference Center Bali. (9/12/2023)


This seminar presented international speakers, namely Dr. Tanvi Dhoot, and four national sources, namely Drg. Kevin C. Kawilarang, Sp.Prost., drg. Aditya Wisnu Putranto, Sp.KG(K)., drg. Eka Pramudita Ramadhany, Sp.Perio(K) and drg. Putri Fortune, M. Kes.


According to the chairman of the activity committee, Drg.Kadek Asri Asmita Pradnyana Putri, Sp.Pros, this activity aims to improve the knowledge and skills of dentists and dental students, regarding technological developments in the field of dentistry.


This activity was also attended by the Dentistry Study Program Coordinator, Dr. Drg. Putu Lestari Sudirman, M.Biomed, Chair of the Department of Dentistry, drg. Mia Ayustina Prasetya, Sp.KGA and Director of Human Resources and Academics at RSGM Unud drg. Nyoman Ayu Anggayanti, M. Biomed., Sp. BMM(K)