FK Unud Graduates 158 Candidates for Graduation Period December 2023

The Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University proudly graduated 158 prospective graduates at Widya Sabha Auditorium, Udayana University Campus, Jimbaran. (7/12/2023)


The event was attended by the Director of Human Resources, Education and Research of RSUP Prof. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, President Director of Unud Hospital, President Director of RSGM Unud, Chairperson of IDI Bali, Chairperson of the Bali Regional Dentist Association, Komkordik, Chairperson of the Ikayana Commissariat of the Faculty of Medicine, Chairperson of the FK Unud Senate, Vice Deans of FK Unud, Study Program Coordinators, Department Chairs, and all prospective graduates.


The event began with a report on the release of prospective graduates by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning of FK Unud, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT (K) regarding the number of prospective graduates from each study program and the best graduates from each level of education.


In this December 2023 period, the best graduate title was achieved by :

1. Dr. Ni Nyoman Kristina, SKM, MPH from the Doctor of Medical Sciences Study Program

2. Ira Indriaty Paskalita Bule Sopi, S.KM., M.Kes., from the Master of Public Health Science Study Program.

3. dr. Ni Putu Winda Dwijayanti, Sp.MK., from the Clinical Microbiology Specialist Study Program

4. Ni Putu Sukma Nathania, S.Kes., Ftr. from Physiotherapy Professional Study Program

5. Fatimah Azzahra Rachim, S.Kes., from the Bachelor of Physiotherapy Study Program


The event continued with the handover of graduates from the study program coordinators to the Dean, which was followed by the pronunciation and signing of the promise of young doctors, young dentists and nursing graduates. 


The event continued with the symbolic handover of young doctor, young dentist and nurse name tags followed by the pronunciation and signing of the doctor's oath by Dr. I Gede Putra Suteja as Chair of IDI Bali and the pronunciation of the promise and oath of young dentists.


After the signing of the oath and the signing of the promise, the event continued with the inauguration of the oath by the clergy which was followed by the inauguration of Specialists, Doctors, and Dentists by the Dean of FK Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes.


After the inauguration, the event continued with remarks from the Director of Human Resources, Education and Research of Prof. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah Hospital, Dr. dr. Ketut Ariawati, Sp.A (K), and the Dean of FK Unud. On this occasion the Dean of FK, Prof. Januartha expressed his congratulations and hopes to all prospective graduates and their families for their success in completing education at the Faculty of Medicine.


"As health workers, inter-professional collaboration is very important. We hope that graduates can devote their knowledge as well as possible for the benefit of the people we will serve, both people in urban areas and in remote areas that still need the help of doctors. Prioritize professionalism and ethics in duty so that it can make the alma mater proud." He said.


The event was closed with impressions and messages from representatives of prospective graduates for the December 2023 period.