Increase Understanding of Stereotyping and Age-Based Discrimination, FK Unud Invites Speakers from Australia

The Bachelor of Public Health Science Study Program in collaboration with the Master of Public Health Science Study Program & Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a hybrid Guest Lecture on the topic "Age Discrimination & Ageism: Perceptions of Older Balinese" with the main location in the Prof. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah Meeting Room, FK Unud Building, Denpasar. (8/12/20230


Moderated by Ngakan Putu Anom Harjana, SKM., M.A., this guest lecture presented Assoc. Prof. Rafat Hussain, MBBS, MPH, Ph.D., from the School of Medicine, Australian National University. This guest lecture was organized to increase knowledge about ageism and discrimination against the elderly which can affect social life and health, in order to realize healthy and independent elderly.


The event was opened by the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti, S.Ked., MPH, Ph.D., who in her speech said that the topic of Age Discrimination & Ageism is something new, so the presence of speakers who are experts in this field will certainly provide deeper insight to the participants.


"By inviting experts from outside, it is hoped that our insights will be more open regarding Age Discrimination & Ageism, especially from the perception of Balinese people" he said.


The participants of this guest lecture were undergraduate students, masters, and lecturers from FK Unud and outside institutions who attended online and offline.