Benchmarking Academic Senate FH Universitas Brawijaya

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - The Academic Senate of FH Universitas Brawijaya conducted an institutional benchmarking visit to FH UNUD on Monday (27/11/2023) at the Video Conference Room. The visit was received directly by the Dean's Leadership elements along with the Chair, Secretary, and Chair of the Senate Commission of FH UNUD. On this occasion, discussions were held on the formulation of policies and good practices in each Faculty related to the duties carried out by the Senate including their respective commissions, namely: education, resources and ethics. The occasion ended with the exchange of souvenirs by the Chairman of the Senate of FH UNUD, Dr. I Dewa Gede Palguna, SH MHum with the Chairman of the Senate of FH Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahmad Budiono, S.H M.H.