MKN Study Program FH UNUD Attends Consignment Discussion on Collecting Problem Inventory List in the Context of Amending the Notary Position Law

Author: Cinthya Puspita | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Badung, - Friday (17/11/2023) FH UNUD's Master of Kenotariatan (MKn) Study Program attended a discussion organized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (KEMENKUMHAM RI) related to the Consignment of Problem Inventory List Collection in the Context of Changes in the Notary Position Law which took place at the Meeting Room of Hotel Voux, Nusa Dua. The discussion was attended by the Chairman of the Indonesian Notary Association (Tri Firdaus Akbarsyah, S.H., M.H.), Secretary of the Central Honor Council of the Indonesian Notary Association (Firdhonal, S.H.), Head of the Legal and Human Rights Services Division of the Denpasar Regional Office (Alexander Palti), Lecturers of the Faculty of Law of Udayana University (Prof. Dr. Made Subawa, S.H., M.S.; Prof. Dr. I Gede Yusa, S.H., M.H.; 

Dr. Ni Nengah Adiyaryani, S.H., M.H.; Nyoman Satyayudha Dananjaya, SH., M.Kn., Ph.D.; and Made Cinthya Puspita Shara, S.H., M.H), with a total of approximately 30 discussion participants. 

The speakers in this discussion, namely: Notary/PPAT of Badung Regency (Dr. Made Pria Dharsana, SH., M.Hum). The seminar discussion took place interactively, where the discussion participants gave their views on the discussion presented by the speakers. Raising discussions related to problems and practices that occur are associated with enforcement in the current legislation for notaries. The results of this discussion will be taken into consideration in efforts to prepare a plan to amend the notary office law.