Collaborating with the Forestry and Environment Office of the Bali Provincial Government, Postgraduate Unud Holds Dissemination of Research Outcomes

Denpasar, Thursday (11/30), Postgraduate Udayana University (Unud), in collaboration with the Department of Forestry and Environment (DKLH), held a Dissemination of Research Results of Unud Lecturers and Postgraduate Students at the Sad Kerthi Room, DKLH Office of Bali Province.

The dissemination of research results was held with the aim of disseminating the results of research by lecturers and postgraduate students of Udayana University so that they could be utilized as downstream research results and could also be used as considerations in making decisions. "The dissemination of the results of this research is expected to be utilized for future environmental development plans. In addition, so that Postgraduate Unud as an educational institution can collaborate and communicate more intensely to work together in building Bali in the future with DKLH Bali Province as an agency that handles the environment, "said Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti, ST., M.Benv., Ph.D., as Coordinator of the Research and Community Service Unit (UP2M) at Postgraduate Unud.

In his remarks, the Director of Postgraduate Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, SP., MP., IPU ASEAN Eng, said that he really appreciated the dissemination of the results of this research because it was considered very important for development planning in the field of environment in Bali Province. "Hopefully the dissemination of the results of this research can be utilized for future development planning and can contribute to the environment in Bali province in particular," he said.

Prof. Budiasa added in his speech that, as an educational institution, it also needs input from stakeholders for research plans in the next year related to issues currently faced in the field of forestry and the environment, such as waste management, utilization of environmental biodiversity, water management, and others.
In line with the purpose of the activity, the Head of DKLH, Drs. I Made Teja, said that this activity is a very important moment to be able to answer the problems that exist in the agency as well as be able to be a consideration or solution in future policy making and can provide ideas for community service. "Regarding the results of this research, I think it can be very useful for the development of future planning as well as being able to be considered in making policies related to the environment," he said.

The event continued with the presentation of research results presented by eight research teams consisting of lecturers and students at Postgraduate Unud. All the material presented is very relevant to the environmental field, including heavy metal pollution prevention, plastic pollution, environmental health risks, and others. The activity was closed with a discussion session between the research team and related invitees. (bmp)