Aquamarin Team, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Achieves Brilliant Achievements in the KMI Expo 2023 Entrepreneurship Competition

The P2MW Child Guidance Team Agung Ngurah Hary Susila, S.TI., M.MT., from the Information Technology Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University succeeded in recording brilliant achievements in the KMI Expo 2023 national level Entrepreneurship Competition. The competition was held in Undiksha by the Ministry of Education and Culture This Research and Technology event is a competition for more than 200 participants from various universities throughout Indonesia.


With the unique theme promoted by the team, namely "Aquamarin," the P2MW Team was able to attract the attention of the judges and won 1st place in the Digital Business category. This success not only reflects their excellence in digital business ideas, but also the creativity and innovation applied in their projects.



The P2MW team consists of five members who are students from the Information Technology Study Program, Faculty of Engineering. The team members are Nyoman Semarajaya Vikana Putra, Putu Eternalie Prajnani Welaga, Putu Mia Setya Utami, Moh Prayogi, and I Nyoman Yodya Mahesa Sastra. Their success cannot be separated from the intensive support and guidance from Dr. Ni Putu Sutramiani, S.Kom., M.T., who supervised the student team during the KMI Expo competition.


In a tight competition, the P2MW Team was able to win over more than 200 participants from universities throughout Indonesia, showing that the digital business idea "Aquamarin" has great potential and can compete at the national level. This achievement also reflects the dedication and hard work of the team and their mentors in preparing and undergoing each stage of the competition.


With a sense of pride, the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University hopes that this success can be an inspiration for other students to continue to innovate and excel in various national and international competitions.