Understand Mixed Method in Research, FK Unud Organizes Seminar with International Speakers & nbsp;

Understand Mixed Method in Research, FK Unud Organizes Seminar with International Speakers & nbsp;


In order to improve competence in the field of scientific research, the Udayana University FK Doctor of Medical Sciences Study Program held a webinar with the topic "Understanding Mixed Methods Research: From Basic to Practice" with the main location point in the Prof. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah Meeting Room, FK UNUD Building, Denpasar. (23/11/2023)


Moderated by dr. Marilaeta Cindryani, M.Biomed, Sp.An-Ti, Subsp TI (K) this webinar invited two speakers, namely Associate Professor Rafat Hussein, MBBS, MPH, PhD from the School of Medicine & Psychology Australian National University who presented the material "An Introduction to Mixed Methods in Medical Research" and Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti, ST, M.Benv, Ph.D., from FK UNUD who presented the material "Mixed Methods Research: Challenges, Pitfalls, Tips & Tricks". This activity was attended by 160 people, of which 35 people attended in person and 125 people attended online.


The opening ceremony began with remarks from Dr. dr. Made Ratna Saraswati, Sp.Pd, KEMD, FINASIM who represented the Coordinator of the Doctor of Medical Sciences Study Program and was then officially opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. dr. I Md Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D who in his remarks said that research methods using mixed methods are new and this webinar will certainly provide good insight and knowledge for the participants.

"Research with the Mixed Method method is a new thing. Of course, this webinar will provide new insights and knowledge to our doctoral students, of course with speakers who already understand this method, I think this webinar will be very useful for participants to understand this Mixed Method method," he said.