In order to increase awareness of the development of animal diseases which have recently occurred frequently in Indonesia, AFVMI (an association of Indonesian veterinary medicine faculties) is holding training to improve the professionalism of frontline animal health workers. The kick off of this training activity was first held in Klaten, Central Java with facilitators from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Gajah Mada University. This activity will take place from 12 to 15 October 2023. The participants in this activity are 30 veterinary medical doctors (veterinarians) at government agencies in the Yogyakarta and Central Java regions. This training activity was sponsored by the Indonesia-Australia Red Meat and Cattle Partnership (IARMCP) in collaboration with AFVMI, as well as the Directorate General of Animal Health and Livestock.

This event was attended by the chairman of AFVMI prof.drh. Teguh Budi Pitojo, MP., P.Hd, deputy chancellor for human resources and finance at Gajah Mada University, Prof. Supriyadi, M.Sc., Ph.D., CMA., CA., Ak, and head of the Klaten Regency agriculture service, Central Java. Meanwhile, secretary of the Directorate General of Animal Health and Livestock, Drh. Makmun, M.Sc is available online. This event was opened directly by the Deputy Chancellor for Human Resources and Finance at Gajah Mada University. Apart from that, in the plan to implement training activities for frontline animal health workers in each region, AFVMI invited 8 co-facilitators including from FVM Syah Kuala Aceh, FVM Udayana University Bali, KH Study Program FK Unhas Makasar, FMVM Undana Kupang, FVM UWKS Surabaya , FVM Undikma Mataram NTB, KH Study Program FK Unpad Bandung and FVM UGM. From the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, represented by Drh. I wayan Sukernayasa, S..KH., M.Si who has previously attended training to become a frontline animal health worker trainer. This activity is carried out in the form of technical guidance filled with material and practical field work which lasts for 4 days. The first day was filled with opening and presentation of material from the secretary of the director general of animal health and animal husbandry. On the second day, the material given focused on steps to investigate animal diseases. Field practice activities took the form of field investigations carried out in Gedaren Village, Jatinom sub-district, Klaten, Central Java. The last day was filled with making and presenting the results of the investigation. Then proceed with the post test and activity evaluation and closing.



This 3-day activity aims to increase the professionalism of frontline animal health workers through investigating animal diseases so that outbreaks can be contained early. In this activity, the Co-facilitator is tasked with assisting the facilitator in providing training materials and taking part in organizing the course of the event. It is hoped that the Co-Facilitators will be able to become facilitators in their respective regions to hold this training activity. "We as Co-facilitators were invited here (ed-Training) so that later we can become facilitators in our respective regions." Said the FVM Unud lecturer.