Guest Lecture Prof. Shailey Prasad, MD, MPH from University of Minnesota, USA.

Guest Lecture Prof. Shailey Prasad, MD, MPH from University of Minnesota, USA.

The Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in collaboration with the University of Minnesota, USA held a Guest Lecture with the theme Primary Health Care and Family Medicine in the United States which took place in the Prof. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah Denpasar Room. FK Unud Building, Denpasar. (31/10/2023)

The purpose of holding this guest lecture is as a means to update knowledge and exchange experiences in the field of primary health care and family medicine, so that lecturers and students at FK Unud know the development of science in America.

This Guest Lecture presented a guest speaker, Prof. Shailey Prasad, MD, MPH from the University of Minnesota, USA, moderated by dr. Wayan Citra Wulan Sucipta Putri, S.Ked., MPH. 

Opened by the Dean of FK Unud, Prof. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., in his speech he said that the presence of Prof. Shailey will certainly be able to provide the latest information and knowledge about the application of family medicine services in America which will be very useful for improving family medicine services in Indonesia.

"Indonesia has family medicine services, but the practice in America is definitely different. With Prof. Shailey coming to share, we will certainly gain knowledge about how Family Medicine services are implemented in America. Hopefully the information provided today can be an additional knowledge for the students and lecturers present today," he said.

After opening, the event continued with the presentation of material by Prof. Shailey, discussion sessions and closed with the handover of souvenirs. This guest lecture was also attended by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information of FK Unud, Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D., Coordinator of the Bachelor of Public Health Study Program, dr. Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti, S.Ked., MPH., Ph.D., Head of the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Dr. dr. I Ketut Suarjana, S.Ked., MPH., Chairperson and members of the Indonesian Family Doctor Association (PDKI) Bali, lecturers and students from the Master of Public Health Science Study Program, Bachelor of Public Health, Bachelor of Medicine and Professional Doctors.