Basic Neurosurgical Skill Course (BNSC) 2023

Basic Neurosurgical Skill Course (BNSC) 2023

On October 28-29, 2023, the Neurosurgery Specialist Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held the Basic Neurosurgical Skill Course (BNSC) 2023. This activity was divided into a 2-day hands on course on Saturday, October 28, 2023 and Sunday, October 29, 2023 which took place at Aesculap Academy Bali International Training and Development Center (BITDeC) Tabanan. 

The BNSC 2023 event was attended by 19 Residents of Neurosurgery FK UNUD and 25 participants of General Practitioners and young doctors who came from all over Indonesia. 

In his remarks, the Chairman of the BNSC 2023 Committee, Dr. dr. Nyoman Golden, Sp.BS, Subsp.N-Onk, FICS said that this BNSC activity is an annual routine training activity by the Neurosurgery Specialist Study Program at FK UNUD, which is intended for Residents, General Practitioners, and young doctors who have an interest in Neurosurgery as an introduction and provision of expertise and knowledge of basic neurosurgical surgery techniques which are expected to be applied in the future.