Curriculum Workshop for Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Specialist Study Program

Curriculum Workshop for Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Specialist Study Program


The Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Specialist Study Program held a Curriculum Workshop on Saturday, October 28, 2023 in a hybrid manner with the main location point at the Aston Denpasar Hotel. This activity was also attended by the Dean of FK Unud, representatives of the Bali Provincial Health Office, UPPM Coordinator, professors Prof. Dr. dr. Ida Bagus Ngurah Rai, Sp.P (K) and Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suryana, Sp.PD-KAI, representatives from PDPI Bali, Chair of the Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Coordinator of the Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Specialist Study Program, lecturer staff, network hospital representatives, alumni representatives, and students;


The event began with remarks and opening from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M. Kes., who in his remarks said that the curriculum is a dynamic thing and input from all invitees will be very useful for the perfection of this study program curriculum, so that later graduates can have quality and in accordance with the needs of society;


After the opening, moderated by Dr. I Desak Putu Agung Krisdanti, Sp. P (K), the activity continued with the presentation of material from four speakers, namely:

1. Coordinator of the Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Study Program, Dr. Ni Wayan Candrawati, Sp.P (K) regarding the curriculum book;

2. dr. Pande Made Andikayasa, Sp. P (K) regarding academic guidelines. 

3. dr. Made Agustya Darma Putra Wesnawa, Sp.P regarding the learning module. The last presentation on RPS was presented by & nbsp;

4. dr. Ni Luh Putu Eka Arisanti, Sp.P(K) regarding RPS. 


Suggestions and discussions that have taken place from all invitees are input for curriculum improvement for the Pulmonology Specialist Study Program and Respiratory Medicine FK Unud in the future. The activity then ended with the reading of conclusions from the moderator, closing prayer and group photo session.