Improving International Recognition, FK UNUD Explores Cooperation with Peking University Health and Science Center (PKUHSC)


As part of the institution's internationalization efforts, the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University (FK UNUD) visited to explore the potential and explore cooperation for education, research and capacity building with Peking University Health and Science Center (PKUHSC) in Beijing, China, October 23, 2023. PKUHSC is one of the universities included in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings (ranked 17th globally) and none of the universities in Indonesia have collaborated with PKUHSC. Some important points discussed during this visit were:

1. Opportunities for Mental Health-related research cooperation between China and Indonesia

2. Educational cooperation opportunities include undergraduate student exchanges

3. Capacity building opportunities include teaching innovation through skill transfer, and lecturer staff exchange.


Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning FK UNUD, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT (K) and the team, were received directly by Prof. Wang Weimin as Vice President, PKUHSC. PKUHSC officials welcomed the arrival of the team from FK Unud with a luncheon followed by a tour around the campus facilities. Prof. Wang as Vice President is very enthusiastic about this collaboration, especially in the field of mental health research and student exchange, and PKUHSC is reviewing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be signed soon.


From FK UNUD, who accompanied the Vice Dean's visit on this occasion were Dr. dr. Desak Made Wihandani, M.Kes, as a representative of the Information and Cooperation Management Unit (UPIKS) in the field of international cooperation, and three researchers namely dr. Ida Bagus Amertha Putra Manuaba, S.Ked, M.Biomed, PhD., dr. I Gede Putu Supadmanaba, S.Ked, M.Sc., and dr. Sherryn, MBBS, MSPH. 


This visit was supported and also as part of the INSPIRE (International Partnerships Institution-based Research) research grant activities, which involved many FK UNUD researchers. The visit from FK Unud was also aired in the Chinese national media which can be accessed through: