Task Force Team Meeting Discusses Progress in Collection of Performance Documents Supporting Accreditation of Undergraduate and Professional Veterinary Programs, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University in 2024

Monday, October 9 2023, a task force team meeting was held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH), Udayana University (UNUD). The meeting was opened by the Dean of FKH UNUD, Mr. Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, MSi, stated that we should prepare preparations for next year's undergraduate and PPDH programs from the start because the preparation of accreditation forms is very complex and requires extra time to prepare. Even though we are waiting for adjustments from Minister of Education and Culture Regulation number 53/2023 concerning Quality Assurance in Higher Education, the collection of performance documents (DK) and creation of self-evaluation sheets (LED) currently carried out will probably not be much different from the new study program accreditation mechanism. We should prepare it much earlier.


This meeting was not only attended by the core committee, but also present by the teams for each criteria from the performance document and criteria self-evaluation sheet (1-9). After a month previously coordinating with the members of each team the criteria for collecting the DK, there were still criteria that had not completed the requested DK. However, from the overall results of this meeting, team members for each criteria were asked to immediately complete the DK for those that were still not completed and then prepare their respective LEDs to be presented at the next meeting which is planned to be held in the next two weeks.