International Journal and Publication Management Workshop

International Journal and Publication Management Workshop

In order to improve lecturers' abilities in creating international journals and publications, the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) held a hybrid "Management of International Journals and Publications" workshop with the main location at the Bali Dinasty Resort, Kuta. (13-14 October 2023)

Attended by participants from Bali International University (UNBI), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University (FKIK Unwar) and FK Unud, this workshop presented four resource persons from abroad and within the country, namely:

1.Prof. Rafat Hussain, MBBS., MPH., Ph.D (Australian National University (ANU) Medical School) with the topic "Tips and Tricks for International Publication"

2.Dr. Dr. Rizaldy Pinzon, M.Kes., Sp.N. (Duta Wacana Christian University Faculty of Medicine) with the topic "Article Manuscript and how to properly cite the references"

3. Prof. Apt. I Ketut Adnyana, Ph.D (Dean of the ITB School of Pharmacy) with the topic "Outcome Strategy of the Research Output"

4.Dr. Drg. Prihartini Widiyanti, M.Kes, S.Bio., CCD (Editor in Chief Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease (IJTID) Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia) with the topic "Organization and Economic Management of Research Journal"

The workshop, which will last for 2 days, will be filled with an agenda of material presentations and workshops on the first day, and will continue with presentations from each group on the second day.

This event was attended and opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., who in his speech said that the research produced at FK Unud does not stop at the publication stage, but can be downstreamed to be disseminated to a wide audience, so that the research can become a reference or research source and of course can be used or used directly by the wider community.

"The hope is that this workshop can improve the lecturers' abilities in creating journals and international publications. For this reason, we must be able to master the techniques of writing, publishing and downstreaming research results." said Prof. January.

This activity was also attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Coordinator of the Undergraduate Medical Study Program, UP3M Coordinator, UP2M Coordinator, and Coordinator of the FK Unud Business Unit.