FMIPA is proud, its study program achieved Chancellor's Awards on the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University

Friday, September 29 2023, at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Unud Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Udayana University held an academic ceremony for the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University. The academic ceremony, which is a series of events for the 61st anniversary, took the theme "Building Synergy to Create Achievement" which means that Udayana University is moving towards superior internationalization and global achievement. This theme itself contains the value of togetherness which needs to continue to be strengthened and synergy must be built between the Udayana University academic community, including leadership, academic staff, educational staff, educational laboratory staff and students in order to increase human resource competence, creating a superior Udayana University with global achievements.


In the academic ceremony for the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University, the Chancellor of UNUD presented several awards, namely:

  1. Study program award with a Superior Accreditation rating in 2023,
  2. The Intellectual Property Award in the Patent Sector is given to Inventors as appreciation for the most and most productive patents recorded on IMISSU in the last 3 years
  3. The ISBN Book Publishing Award is given to the Author as an appreciation for Writing & Publishing the Most and Most Productive Books recorded on IMISSU in the Last 3 Years
  4. Reputable International Journal Publication Award, given to the author as appreciation for writing articles published in reputable and most productive international journals recorded on IMISSU in the last 3 years
  5. SINTA Accredited National Journal Publication Award 1-2,
  6. Author as Appreciation for Writing Articles Published in the National Journal Accredited SINTA 1-2, the Most and Most Productive, recorded in IMISSU in the Last 3 Years
  7. International Research Grant Award, given to Researchers as Appreciation for Obtaining the Most and Most Productive International Research Funds Recorded in Faculties/Study Programs in the Last 3 Years
  8. National Research Grant Award, given to Researchers as Appreciation for Obtaining National Research Funds, the Most and Most Productive Funds, Recorded in LPPM Data in the Last 3 Years
  9. Article Citation Award in Scopus Indexed Journals, given to Authors as Appreciation for Citations for Publication of the Most and Most Productive Journal Articles in Scopus Indexed Journals, which are Recorded in SINTA
  10. Innovation Product Award, given to Inventors as Appreciation for Creating the Most and Most Productive Non-Commercialized Innovation Products, Recorded in INBIS LPPM Data in the last 3 years
  11. Community Service Grant Award, given to Community Service as Appreciation for Obtaining National Community Service Funds, the Most and Most Productive Funds, Recorded in LPPM Data for the last 3 years
  12. SINTA Award for the Highest 3Yr Score Recorded at SINTA Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology (Data on 18 September 2023, 21.00 WITA)
  13. Study Program with the Most Independent and Puspresnas Awards.
  14. Study Program with the Best Tracer Study Achievements based on Response Rate, Job Ability and Waiting Time for Graduates
  15. Study Program with the highest number of MBKM categories
  16. Study Program with the Most PKM/PPK Ormawa/P2MW Achievements


Based on award data, the MIPA faculty received several awards, namely:


  1. The award for the study program with a Superior Accreditation rating in 2023 was given to PS. Masters in Chemistry
  2. Innovation Product Award, given to Inventors as Appreciation for the Creation of the Most and Most Productive Non-Commercialized Innovation Products, Recorded in INBIS LPPM Data in the last 3 years, given to Luh Putu Ida Harini, S.Si, M.Sc, one of the lecturers from the study program mathematics
  3. Study Program with the Best Tracer Study Achievements based on Response Rate, Job Ability, and Waiting Time for Graduates: In Cluster 2 which was accepted by the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program as ranked 2nd
  4. Study Program with the highest number of MBKM Categories: Undergraduate Informatics Study Program which was ranked 3rd
  5. The study program with the most PKM/PPK Ormawa/P2MW achievements received by the Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program


These achievements are something to be proud of because these achievements are not achievements that can be achieved in a matter of days, but rather through a long process. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences feels proud of the appreciation given by the Chancellor of Unud for the performance achieved. This achievement is not the end of all efforts, but is an incentive to keep trying and improving yourself so you can obtain other achievements.


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