FK Unud Students Win 3rd Place in the 2023 Soedirman Medical Scientific Competition

FK Unud Students Win 3rd Place in the 2023 Soedirman Medical Scientific Competition

Proud news came from FK Unud students, Diana Ningrum (Doctor Education 2021), Joshua Andito Bagaskara (Doctor Education 2021), and Jessica Jevera Arabani (Dentist Education 2021) who succeeded in winning 3rd place in the National Soedirman Medical Scientific Competition (SOEMATIC) FK Unsoed 2023.

Diana, Joshua, and Jessica won 3rd place in the public poster competition with their work entitled "Beware of Elephant Feet, Let's Prevent Carefully!"

The achievements that have been achieved cannot be separated from the guidance and direction of the supervisor, Dr. I Gde Haryo Ganesha, S.Ked., M.Biomed., who always provides direction and input to create good work.