Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Field Trip Participants of 2023 Hold Profession Introduction Activities by Visiting Bali Safari

On Saturday, September 16 2023, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) at Udayana University (Unud) held one of the mandatory activities for new students, namely Field Trip with the theme "Veterinarians as a Wildlife Conservator: Knowing The Importance Of Conserving Wild Animals”. This activity was held with the aim of introducing and providing insight into the world of the veterinary profession in the field of conservation. This year's Field Trip activity was held at the Bali Safari and Marine Park.

This activity, which was held for one full day, was attended by 186 new students and also invited the deputy dean III FVM Unud, activity supervisor, chairman and deputy chairman of BEM, and Steering Committee. The event began with participants gathering in the front yard of the FVM Bukit Jimbaran Deanery, followed by attendance later checking participants' attributes and luggage, after that participants are directed to the bus and depart for the Field Trip location. Upon arrival at their destination, participants are directed to line up again according to their respective groups to get entry tickets to Bali Safari.

The first network held was touring Bali Safari, where all participants were directed to a shuttle bus and started to be invited around from the safari journey, animal show, tiger show, and elephant show. At the attraction of the animal show, Participants were entertained by various performances by trained animals, such as guinea pigs, dogs, cats, and orangutans.



After from animal show, participants are again directed to the venue tiger show, the show this time will feature two trained tigers and also feature the history related to tigers.

Then, participants were directed to the location show lastly, that is elephant show, This time the participants looked happy and entertained, as seen from the enthusiasm of the participants who wanted to take photos directly with the elephants on display. After the show ends, participants are given time to pray and have lunch together before the official opening will be held.

"Today the children felt happy, they were invited to go on an excursion to see several animals in several countries and on several islands in Indonesia. Well, that symbolizes how wide your field of work is, not only in Indonesia but abroad there is also the veterinary profession. Bali safari was chosen because it has a good history, because to work as a veterinarian in Bali the safari must be of international standard. "Therefore, it is hoped that you will pay attention to the materials provided and please read them carefully," said Dr. drh. I Wayan Sudira. M.Si as Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, at the same time opened the 2023 Field Trip event. The activity was opened symbolically by garlanding flowers from the activity supervisor and representatives. Dean III FVM Unudto student representatives.



The activity was continued with sessions talk show. The talk show was first moderated by Rahmadini Hamdi Putri, on talk show The material presented is about one of the veterinary professions in the field of wild animal conservation, presented by Ida Ayu Ari Janiawati, S. Hut,. M.Si, asanimal curator from Bali Safari. Next, on the talk show the second moderated by Luh Made Prabawanti, the material given was about the duties of a veterinarian at Bali Safari, and this material was presented by Drh. Ni Made Yunik Novita Dewi who is also a senior veterinarian at Bali Safari. Participants seemed very interested in the two materials provided. This can be seen from the activity fans of the participants during the discussion session.

"I'm really happy and definitely very excited, from this field trip activity I gained a lot of knowledge about animal conservation, job prospects in the field of conservation, and how to conserve wild animals," said Nyoman Ananda Oka Ardana, one of the 2023 Field Trip participants.


Author: Gede Abdi Sadhu Gunawan Editor: Lefira