The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and the East Nusa Tenggara Livestock Service Establish a Collaboration Agreement in Building the Animal Health Sector in Kupang


An assessment of collaboration between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FVM Unud) and the Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province Livestock Service, was carried out on Thursday, September 21 2023. Located in the meeting room of the Head of the East Nusa Tenggara Province Livestock Service. The FVM Unud leadership team consisting of the Vice Dean for Academic and Curriculum Affairs, Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, MSi (VD 1).Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Information and Cooperation (VD 3), Prof. Dr. drh. Tjok Gde Oka Pemayun, MS (Head of Masters Study Program FVM Unud) and Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Dwinata, MKes (Head of FVM Unud Undergraduate Study Program).

 elcomed well by the Secretary of the NTT Livestock Service, Mr. Ir. Agustinus Salean, together with the Head of the Animal Breeding and Production Division of the NTT Livestock Service, Mr. Hyparcus Paoe, SPt. In his speech he stated that he was very grateful for the arrival of the leadership team from FVM Unud and he expressed that he was very interested in establishing collaboration in the field of the tri dharma of higher education regarding the fields of education and internships, research and community service. In the future there will be collaboration in developing the animal health sector in the Kupang area capital of East Nusa Tenggara.

On this occasion, the Head of Master's Study Program FVM Unud (Prof. Tjok) explained about the existence of the Masters (S2) Program which is owned by FVM Unud and has been accredited as Superior, has professor-quality lecturers (18 Profs) and educational costs are still affordable. Research can be carried out at the student's place of origin and lectures thesis guidance can be agreed online and offline. In the NTT Provincial Animal Husbandry Service there are still many human resources who need to receive higher education to increase their competence. Prof. Tjok expressed his hope that many sons and daughters of the NTT region would continue their studies in the Master's Program, especially in the Master's Program at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. The NTT Provincial Animal Husbandry Service also has supporting facilities in the form of a teaching hospital and adequate laboratory facilities, UPTD for breeding cows, goats, buffalo and pigs which can be used to support research or other academic activities by FVM UUD students later if they carry out activities outside the campus in accordance with the ministry's advice. Cultural Education, Research and Technology to follow up on the independent campus independent learning program.


Through this collaboration, it can be established to provide a legal umbrella for activities that will be carried out together. For this reason, he hopes that this MoA can be signed soon. On that occasion, the substance of the MoA draft was also discussed and input was received which will continue to be refined and communicated before being signed. At the end of the meeting there was a discussion session with the staff of the NTT Provincial Animal Husbandry Service, most of whom happened to be alumni of FVM Udayana. This meeting closed with a friendly session and group photo