Prove and Give Maximum Performance, FTP Basketball Team Wins 3rd Place at the 61st Unud Anniversary

The Men's Basketball Team of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology succeeded in winning 3rd place in the basketball match in commemoration of Udayana University's anniversary (61st Anniversary of Udayana University) which was held from 9-10 September 2023 at GOR Ngurah Rai Denpasar.


This Basketball Match activity is a series of events for the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University. The Faculty of Agricultural Technology succeeded in proving its maximum performance by winning third place after being ahead of several faculties such as the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the Faculty of Tourism. The Unud FTP Basket Team consists of students from representatives of all Study Programs within the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. By winning 3rd place in the Basketball Competition, it proves that students from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology have a lot of potential in both academic and non-academic fields.


Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. also proud of the results achieved by his students.


"This achievement proves that FTP Unud students have a lot of potential that can be developed, hopefully in the future FTP Unud can be more advanced and developed, especially in student achievements that can be equal and even superior in order to advance FTP Unud," said the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.