Signing of the PKS between the Unud Faculty of Medicine and the Besipa'e Foundation

Signing of the PKS between the Unud Faculty of Medicine and the Besipa'e Foundation

The Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University received a visit from the Besipa'e Foundation for the signing of the collaboration which took place in the Dean's Meeting Room, FK Building, Denpasar. (15/9/2023)

On this occasion Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., said that it is a pleasure for the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University to be able to collaborate with the Besipa'e Foundation, which will then be implemented by the Eye Health Science Specialist Study Program, which can provide contributions and contributions in order to improve quality of eye health for the community in Kelapa Lima District, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province.

"The hope is that this collaboration can continue and be expanded not only in the field of community service but in the field of the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely education, service and research," said Prof. January.

This event was also attended by representatives from the Besipa'e Foundation, Simon Peter Field and Afliana Hana Ndun. Meanwhile, the Faculty of Medicine, Unud, was attended by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. Dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K)., Coordinator of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit, Dr. Dr. Ida Ayu Ika Wahyuniari, S.Ked., M.Kes., Coordinator of the Eye Health Science Specialist Study Program, Dr. Dr. Anak Agung Mas Putrawati Triningrat, S.Ked., Sp.M(K)., as well as lecturers at the Eye Health Specialist Study Program, Dr. Dr. Ni Made Surasmiati, M.Biomed, Sp.M (K)., dr. Ni Made Ari Suryathi, M.Biomed, Sp.M (K)., dr. I.G.A. Ratna Suryaningrum, M. Biomed, Sp.M (K)., and dr. Putu Dian Megasafitri, Sp.M.