On 30 and 31 August 2023, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University held the peak day of Udayana Veterinary Activities (UVeA) 2023 with the theme "Explore Your Passion and Enhance Your Talents Through UVeA". This activity was carried out with the aim of introducing the student senate, professional interests (MinPro) and talent interests in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University to new students class of 2023. This year's Udayana Veterinary Activities (UVeA) were held in the Nusantara Room, Agrocomplex Building, Udayana Sudirman University

On the first day, Wednesday 30 August 2023, at 06.45 WITA, participants were gathered at the Sudirman Faculty of Veterinary Medicine parking lot, followed by controlling participants, checking attributes and attendance by the UVeA organizing committee. Not after that, the participants were directed to the room accompanied by the group companion and security guard.


Furthermore, after the participants entered the room, the event was guided by Nathania Vianny as the master of ceremony. The event began with a prayer guided by Rai Laras Anandita Santi as the committee on duty. After the prayer together, all the attendees sang Indonesian songs, the Udayana University Hymn, the Udayana Raya University Mars, the FKH Hymn, and the FKH Mars.

The event continued with a report from the committee chairman by I Made Sandy Widhi Raharja, remarks by Alvin Limanto as Chair of BEM, and symbolic remarks and opening by Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Sc. as Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.



At 08.45 the event started with the first agenda, introducing the Suara Satwa Student Press Institute (LPM SS) to new students. This session was guided by Nyoman Oki Tanaya as the moderator. The introduction of LPM SS to the participants began with a 5 minute video screening then continued with a 45 minute talk show and 10 minute discussion. The enthusiasm of the participants in asking questions about LPM SS impressed Nadhira Bunga Intan and Angeline Amelinda Palit as speakers. The session was continued with documentation and delivery of certificates to the speakers.

The second agenda started at 09.55 which was hosted by Ni Luh Putu Ditha Rysdayeni as the moderator. This session was filled in by the Student Representative Council (DPM) with Dewa Akbar Maulana and Ni Made Ayu Suastami as resource persons. Like the previous agenda, this agenda started with a video screening about DPM, then continued with a talk show, discussion, documentation and handing over of certificates to resource persons.

The next agenda was to introduce the Student Executive Body (BEM) to the participants. This talkshow session was moderated by Ni Putu Premasuari Putri Maha Devi and filled in by Alvin Limanto and Lefira as resource persons. The introduction of BEM to new students was no less interesting than other senate introductions, so it was no surprise that this talk show session succeeded in attracting the interest of the participants. The agenda begins with video presentations, talk shows, discussion sessions, and closes with documentation and handover of certificates to the speakers.

After an introduction to the FKH student senate, the participants were directed by the committee to carry out ISBAMA which was followed by a performance of chants from each group. The participants seemed to really enjoy this activity.

At 13.15 the agenda was continued with the introduction of Interests and Talents to the participants. In this talk show, Alvian Cahya Ramadhan as the resource person explained to the new students about each sport and arts branch in the FKH Talent Interest. The talent presentation session moderated by Raya Rahmadhani Adesa Putri lasted 45 minutes. The agenda started with a talk show, then continued with performances of arts and sports talents, discussion sessions, and closed with documentation and the presentation of certificates to the speakers.

The next talk show introduced the participants to the Veterinary English Club (VEC), one of the organizations within the faculty that accommodates FKH students who have interests in English such as English debates, news reading, story telling, and many more. This session was hosted by Ni Putu Amasya Chikita Rivany as the moderator and Arvantsa Raihan Rahman Putra as the guest speaker. This time's agenda consisted of a 25-minute talk show, a 10-minute discussion session, documentation, and presentation of certificates to the resource persons.

After learning about the student senate, talent interests, and VEC, the participants were now introduced to one of the faculty organizations that accommodates students interested in the

field of musical arts, namely Vetro Voice. The Vetro Voice introduction agenda lasted for 45 minutes, consisting of a talk show, discussion, documentation, and closed with the presentation of certificates to the speakers. This session was presented by Ni Made Rani Widyasari as moderator and Vincentius Paulo Jinotra and Muhammad Shaffan Fisabilillah as resource persons. No less exciting than previous presentations, the presentation session on Vetro Voice also succeeded in attracting the attention of the participants.

At 15.30, we arrived at the last talk show agenda for the first day. The agenda this time is introducing new students to the Jegeg Bagus Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (JBKH). This session was attended by Ni Putu Devi Damayanti as moderator and Nyoman Oki Tanaya and Ni Made Indira Laksmi Gayatri as resource persons. The good jegeg presentation session introduced the participants to one of the faculty organizations that accommodates students who have an interest in the field of pageantry. The agenda begins with a 5 minute video presentation, a 25 minute talk show session, a 10 minute discussion, and closes with documentation and the presentation of certificates to the speakers.

After going through a fairly busy agenda, the participants finally arrived at the next agenda, namely closing. The participants were directed to line up neatly out of the room guided by the committee on duty.

On the second day, Thursday 31 August 2023, at 06.45 WITA a collection of participants was also held at the parking level to conduct participant attendance, check attributes, and control participants. After that the participants will be directed to the Nusantara Room to get material regarding professional interests then the event will then be opened by Amasya Chikita as the Master of Ceremony.



The first material was delivered by the Chair and Deputy Chairperson of the Vetholic profession guided by Ni Luh Putu Ditha Rysdayeni as the moderator. The introduction to the interest in the Vetholic profession begins with a 5 minute video screening, followed by a 45 minute talk show, a 10 minute performance showing how to inject livestock, especially cows and pigs, and continues with a 15 minute discussion session and ends with documentation and the presentation of a certificate to the speakers.

The second material is an introduction to Vesica's professional interests, making new students amazed by the appearance of this professional interest. In this session the talk show was moderated by Ni Putu Premasuari Putri Maha Devi, and began with a 5 minute video introduction to Vesica's minpro, and continued with a 45 minute talk show, and continued with a 10 minute performance in which the resource person presented a performance using chemical knowledge, after that a discussion was held for 15 minutes and ended with documentation and giving a certificate to the resource person.

The third material concerns P-Lo's professional interests moderated by Grace Febiola Sinambela, and speakers are sourced by the Chair and Deputy Chairmen of P-Lo's professional interests. this session will begin with a 5-minute video playback, followed by a talk show that makes new students very enthusiastic and very interested in this professional interest, after the talkshow session ends, it will be followed by a 10-minute appearance in which P-Lo's professional interest shows how to handle when the dog is in the process of examination and blood collection, after the appearance, the next session is a 15 minute discussion and ends with documentation and certificate submission.

.The fourth material introduces the interests of the Suluh profession presented by representatives of the interests of the Suluh profession, in this material the talk show will be hosted by Femilia Triayu Mahottami, and begins with a 5 minute video showing the interests of the Suluh profession, followed by a 45 minute talk show session, 10 appearances. minutes, discussion for 15 minutes, and ends with documentation and delivery of certificates.

The last material introduced Rothschildi's professional interest, which was informed by the Chairman and Deputy Chairperson of the Rothschildi professional interest, and this material was guided by Nathania Viany as the moderator. The introduction of Rothschildi's professional interest began with a 5-minute video playback, and continued with a 45-minute talk show, performance for 10 minutes by showing how to handle snakes and discussion for 15 minutes, new students looked very enthusiastic and excited to see Rothschildi's appearance, and this session ended with documentation and handing over of certificates.

The next agenda is ISBAMA at 13.40 WITA, Ni Putu Amasya Chikita Rivanny as MC directs participants to ISBAMA and participants are given 15 minutes to eat, 30 minutes for worship and 15 minutes for ice breaking.

The next agenda is the agenda that is eagerly awaited by new students, namely the Minpro Expo, the event coordinator Adi Putra Novanolo Waruwu directs the participants regularly to the minpro stands, the new students seem enthusiastic and very happy with this Minpro Expo, they can get to know more deeply regarding professional interests in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.

After the Minpro Expo, the agenda will continue with the introduction of the Veterinary Warrior, this agenda is intended so that new students can get to know more about FKH supporters, and it seems that the new students are very happy and enthusiastic about the presence of the Veterinary Warrior, the euphoria is increasingly peaking when Alvian Cahya Ramadhan leads the song- song from veterinary warrior.

The next agenda continued with choosing professional interests and talent interests, new students seemed tense and impatient to choose the professional interests they wanted, but there were several obstacles due to device and internet connection problems, but all of them could be overcome so that the selection of professional interests and talent interests went smoothly fluent.

After selecting professional interests and talent interests, the event continued with the class message impression agenda where the participants, in this case new students, were directed to fill in their impressions and messages on the banners provided by the committee, after the class message impression agenda, Adi Putra Novanolo Waruwu as the event coordinator announced Novantoadi Ferdian as the Level Coordinator of the class of 2023, the event coordinator also introduced the committee, by calling each SIE for the activity.


We have carried out various agendas, and finally we arrived at the end of the event, Amasya Chikita as the Master of Ceremony, closed the event by guiding the documentation session, and disbanding the participants.