Socialization of Risk-Based Internal Quality Audit

The Learning Development and Quality Assurance Unit (UPPPM) of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a Socialization of Risk-Based Internal Quality Audit (AMI) which took place in Prof.'s meeting room. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah Denpasar. (7/9/2023)


The purpose of holding this activity is as a venue for consolidation of study program auditors within the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in managing risk-based internal quality audit (AMI) activities which are scheduled to take place on 22 September-13 October 2023.


This event was attended and opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K). In his remarks Dr. Eka expressed his gratitude to TPPM which is extraordinary so that the accreditation activities have been going well and getting a Excellent score.


"The Faculty of Medicine now has 50% excellent study programs, this is a very extraordinary achievement. My hope with this activity in the future can prepare for the implementation of AMI." he said.


The event continued with the presentation of material by Dr. dra. Ida Ayu Alit Widhiartini, Apt, M.Sc., and Dr. dr. I Made Juli Sumadi, Sp.PA., regarding the duties of an auditor in implementing risk-based AMI, vision, mission, objectives, and targets for quality indicators of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.


This event was also attended by the Coordinator of the Development, Learning and Quality Assurance Unit (UP3M), dr. I Made Winarsa Ruma, Ph.D., as well as the Chairs of the TPPM Study Program within FK Unud.


At a glance about AMI, this is an internal evaluation process which is expected to provide information on the position and quality achievements of the study program. AMI's activities are important for institutions as an effort to improve the implementation of the quality of the tri dharma of higher education in a sustainable manner.


Implementation of socialization of risk-based audits for auditors is expected to increase understanding of identifying and determining the risk of achieving study program goals and objectives using study program accreditation assessment standards. In this way, the study program gets information on improving and increasing quality efficiently and effectively.