On Tuesday, 08 August 2023, the 2023 Inaugural Gathering of Introduction Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) was held online through the Cisco Webex Meetings application. This event was held with the aim of being a forum to prepare new students for the peak day of PKKMB activities at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University on the 21 and 22 August 2023.

The activity began with registration of participants at 07.45 WITA followed by controlling the participant's attributes by Ni Putu Amasya Chikita Rivany as the committee on duty. Furthermore, the event was opened by Ni Putu Ditha Rysdayeni as the master of ceremonies.

In this event, participants were given information regarding the rules and assignments of participants by Ni Putu Amasya Chikita Rivany as the committee in charge. It is hoped that the rules and assignments in this series of events will not only shape the character of students who are superior, independent, and cultured, but also build a sense of kinship among new students.




The event continued with the distribution of participant groups guided by Adi Putra Novanolo Waruwu as the committee on duty. PKKMB 2023 participants are divided into 12 clusters, where each group consists of 15 to 16 participants. Each group is expected to make group yells that will be displayed on the upcoming 2023 PKKMB peak day. Not only that, this event also introduced participants regarding vetro greetings, viva veterinary greetings, and student greetings guided by Putu Surya Pratama Putra as the committee on duty.

At the end, also a discussion session where participants can ask questions and exchange answers regarding information that is not clear. After the event agenda is complete, participants are required to fill in the attendance link before the event is closed by Ni Putu Ditha Rysdayeni as the Master of Ceremony.