PPK Ormawa, Engineering Student Association, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Gunaksa Smart Villages in the concept of Village Digitalization.

The Implementation Team of the Udayana University Mechanical Student Association Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK ORMAWA HMM Unud) conducted FGD activities related to the Gunaksa Smart Village concept located in Nyaamping Banjar, Gunaksa Village, Dawan District, Klungkung Regency. This activity is part of village digitization in the form of developing a community service application system that has been designed by PPK-Ormawa students of the Mechanical Student Association (HMM) of Udayana University. This activity aims to gather more actual information related to population services, health services, financial services and smart village services that are being worked on by the HMM PPK-ORMAWA team. The discussion was carried out by inviting elements of the community and village government, head of village head, village secretary, head of Banjar service, head of BUMDES, digital cadres, digital ambassadors, youth organizations, and digital ambassadors who each conveyed needs related to services which could later be used as a benchmark for realized in the concept of Digitalization. On this occasion also attended by the Udayana University Machinery Student Association. Overall the FGD was attended by approximately 140 invitees, who were immediately opened by Head of Gunaksa Village I Wayan Sardiana, SH.



The FGD resource person, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Widiyantara, ST., MT., IPM., ASEAN Eng and from the field supervisor of the PPK Ormawa HMM UNUD 2023 program Mr. Dr. Ir. Wayan Nata Septiadi, ST., MT. FGD materials focused on understanding the concept of smart village, digitization and digital services. Information on the need for the Gunaksa smart village was dug up by resource persons from the Perbekel as the village leader, BUMDES, the planning committee, the community from the plantation side, village digital cadres from the technical side, and from youth organizations.



In the discussion to gather information, Mr. Head of Worker conveyed what the Head of Worker concerned about to be developed in the digitalization concept. Previously, Mr. Head of Worker was also very enthusiastic about the program implemented by the PPK Ormawa HMM team. From the discussion, very interesting ideas emerged in the future development of BUMDES where BUMDES can help develop community MSMEs without any clashes between BUMDES and community MSMEs. From the agricultural sector, the community also conveyed complaints that occurred in the agricultural sector and hoped that there would be innovations to help the agricultural sector. From a technical point of view that was conveyed by the digital cadres, the Gunaksa village digital cadres discussed the technicalities of managing the digitalization system. On this occasion the PPK-Ormawa HMM implementing team, represented by the team leader, Made Mahardita Dananjaya, also conveyed the progress of the community service sim which is still being updated based on input from community elements.