Made Yudha won 1st place at Archivolks 2023: Rendering Challenge

The achievement achieved by I Made Yudha Ariawan, a student of the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana, in the Architectural Rendering Competition "Archivolks 2023: Rendering Challenge" at UPN Veterans East Java is an impressive achievement. This competition involved participants from various universities in Indonesia, with a total of 27 teams participating.



I Made Yudha Ariawan won 1st place in the competition with the work title "Taman Suroboyo." This achievement is of course the result of the dedication and hard work put in by I Made Yudha Ariawan, as well as the support of his supervisor, Tri Anggraini Prajnawrdhi, S.T., M.T., MURP, Ph.D. The title of the work chosen, namely "Taman Suroboyo," reflects the creativity and ability of I Made Yudha Ariawan in designing a unique and interesting environment.



This achievement also reflects the quality of education at Udayana University and the commitment to produce quality students who are able to compete at the national level. Hopefully this achievement can inspire other students to continue to excel and develop their talents in the field of architecture.