Policy Incoherence and Unwillingness of The Indonesian Government to Curb its Alarming Tobacco Epidemic

Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine who is also the Coordinator of the Public Health Study Program (@udayanasph) and Chair of Udayana Central (@udayanacentral), dr. Putu Ayu Swandewi, MPH, Ph.D., was invited to write an editorial for the BMJ Tobacco Control journal, indexed Scopus Q1 with an Impact Factor of 5.2.


In this editorial, it is conveyed regarding the efforts of the Indonesian government which are still not optimal in overcoming the high consumption of cigarettes which has a major impact on health and the economy. He also mentioned the current policies that are incoherent in efforts to control the use of tobacco products and monitor the performance of stakeholders who are not yet optimal, as well as how the tobacco industry has an influence on high product consumption and weak government policies.


For details, see https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/32/4/405