The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Released 158 Prospective Graduates at the 155th Yudisium

The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held activities to increase the entrepreneurial spirit for prospective graduates during the 155th graduation period on Wednesday, 16 July 2023 at the Swastika Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Jimbaran. Today's event to Improve Entrepreneurial Spirit for Graduates and Judiciary aims to provide training on entrepreneurial insights to graduates for this period by inviting alumni speakers, namely Ar. Made Gede Suryanatha, IAI who has experience in the world of work. This activity was coupled with the Release of Graduates/Judicium of the Faculty of Engineering which is the final cycle of the Formal Education process at the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.



At the 155th Yudisium, 158 graduates of the Faculty of Engineering were released, consisting of 144 male graduates and 44 female graduates with details from the Masters Program in Architecture 6 people, 3 Masters in Civil Engineering, 1 Masters in Electrical Engineering, 1 Masters in Engineering, 44 graduates in Architecture, 8 graduates in Civil Engineering, 6 graduates in Electrical Engineering, 27 graduates in Mechanical Engineering, 43 graduates in Information Technology, 12 graduates in Environmental Engineering, and 7 graduates in Industrial Engineering.



Deputy Dean III, I Gusti Ketut Sukadana, S.T., M.T. It is hoped that prospective graduates will not only rely on academic abilities, academics are only to form academic logic skills, but what is more important are soft skills, that is the most important. Academic as background to develop this soft skill. So there are two kinds of success, to be successful there are soft skills and hard skills or academic skills. So if the IP academic skill is 3.9 but there is no soft kill, it's difficult. That's why MBKM is a program that was discussed by the ministry to form student soft skills.



The best Bachelor graduate, I Kadek Agus Hendriawan Putra, feels proud to have been a part of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. "From the beginning of college, we were pursuing cum laude and also the best graduates. Didn't expect to be the best graduate in the Faculty. So the impression is very valuable and I hope that all of my friends from the start prepare all the courses carefully, continue to focus on academics because in college it is the only moment so that we can get provisions later for the world of work, "he added.