PS Pharmacy FMIPA UNUD Holds Guest Lecture Seminar on Financial Literacy

        On Tuesday, August 8 2023, a guest lecture on Financial Literacy Seminar took place. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is collaborating with Bank Central Asia (BCA) to hold a guest lecture with the theme of financial literacy seminars. The seminar was delivered by two presenters namely G.B. Wiku W. Wicaksono as KCP Kerobokan Bank Central Asia and Fita Efil Rafelina Siallagan as CS Kerobokan Bank Central Asia. The Financial Literacy Seminar was conducted in a hybrid manner, namely there were those who attended offline at the 3rd Floor of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Building and there were those who joined online through the webex application. Mr G.B. Wiku W. Wicaksono presented material about wisely managing finances, knowing the financial life cycle, how to manage expenses, and tips for earning income, while Mrs. Fita Efil Rafelina Siallagan explained about the socialization of the Bank Central Asia service apprenticeship. The Bakti BCA Internship Program is one of the programs organized by Bank BCA to recruit the best talent from high school/vocational high school to diploma graduates who are interested in banking but do not have sufficient experience in this field. Bank BCA routinely opens this program every year. The benefits are that you will get knowledge about the internship program at BCA and the provision of free accounts for all participants.

apt. Dr. Eka Indra Setyawan S.Farm., M.Sc. as coordinating department of pharmacy said that pharmacy students have a curriculum where pharmacy students do not only study in pharmacy, but are also given the opportunity to study beyond the competence of pharmacy students. Students can learn many things outside of pharmacy which is their basic knowledge. Financial literacy is important not only for students, but it is important for everyone to understand financial management properly, correctly and wisely. It is also important to get to know the various types of investments so that you don't invest wrongly. With this guest lecture with the theme of financial literacy, it is hoped that it can provide learning about managing finances for everyone. The Pharmacy Coordinating Study Program thanked him for conducting this guest lecture. The hope for the future is not only to visit but also to become partners in the future for the learning process and others. Having a guest lecture on financial literacy is very helpful, not only in terms of material, but also can open up opportunities for collaboration in the future.

In addition, Mr. G.B. Wiku W. Wicaksono from BCA said that financial literacy is general in nature so that everyone can learn it, including pharmacy students. It was also stated that it would be nice from a young age to have been educated about the use of accounts, the movement for saving shares, and to know what financial features are like. The message from BCA is that students can start investing from now on and can channel their finances properly.