Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Hold a Quarterly Activity Discussion Meeting 2

On Monday 24 July 2023, the Leaders of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FVM UNUD) held a meeting to discuss Quarter 2 (Q2) activities in the Meeting Room on the 1st Floor of FKH Udayana University, Sudirman Campus which started at 09.00 WITA. The meeting was attended by the Dean, Vice Dean for Academic and Planning, Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Study Program Coordinators (Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Master of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Professional Education), Unit Coordinators (UPIKS, UP2M, UP3M), Study Program Quality Assurance Implementation Team, Curriculum Team, Director of Educational Animal Hospital, Coordinator of Ethical Eligibility, Head of Laboratory, Domestic and International Cooperation Team, Administrative Coordinator, as well as Sub-Coordinators, and persons in charge of activities within the FVM UNUD environment. The meeting began with an opening by the Dean of FVM UNUD, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Sc. "FVM UNUD has activities that have produced good results for the institution, but in terms of funding sources there are still many that have not been used. Please use it immediately and as appropriate for activities that have not been implemented in Q2." Said the Dean.

The meeting continued with monitoring and evaluation of each person in charge of activities at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University, in order to optimize budget execution for efficient activities. Regarding budget execution and reporting, most of the activities have been completed, but there are still some activities that have not been completed. The Vice Dean for Academic and Planning Affairs instructed that unfinished activities could be immediately followed up by the person in charge of the activity assisted by the treasurer of the FVM UNUD. The need for support from lecturers and teaching staff in the success of every activity within the FVM UNUD environment in order to increase institutional achievements in the future.

With the end of the 2nd quarter activity discussion meeting (Q2) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University, it is hoped that the realization of activities can move more efficiently and according to plan. Hopefully, the coordination at this meeting will be useful for future agencies.