Mathematics Study Program FMIPA conducts LAMSAMA Field Assessment on 24-25 July 2023

July 23, 2023, located in the 3rd floor courtroom of the FMIPA Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, the Mathematics Study Program of FMIPA carried out a Field Assessment (AL) for Study Program accreditation from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA). This AL is part of the study program accreditation activities which is an external quality assurance system as part of the higher education quality assurance system. The LAMSAMA assessor team who was mandated to carry out field assessments was Prof. Dr. Roberd Saragih, M.T from ITB and Prof. Dr. Isnani Darti, S.Si, M.Si from UB. On this occasion the Chancellor of Udayana University was also present, represented by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs - Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P., IPU, Dean of FMIPA Prof. dr. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D, Head of LP3M - Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc.Ph.D, Chair of LP2M, Chair of USDI represented by the Head of Data and Statistics, Head of UPT Library, Deputy Dean, study program coordinators, Unit heads, task force team, lecturers, staff, students, alumni, and graduate user partners within the UNUD FMIPA environment.


In her remarks the Dean of FMIPA, Ni Luh Watiniasih expressed her gratitude to God Almighty for the grace given by Him so that we can all be present in this Field Assessment. Watiniasih also expressed her gratitude and welcome to the LAMSAMA Assessor team, and hoped that the objectives of the two-day field assessment could be properly achieved. Watiniasih further explained FMIPA's vision and mission listed in the 2020-2024 FMIPA Strategic Plan which is aligned with the Vision and Mission of Udayana University. Based on the results of a satisfaction survey conducted on students, alumni, lecturers, students, users, and partners, it was found that the majority of respondents stated that the level of satisfaction was good from the four assessment criteria, which were not good, fair, good, and very good. By Watiniasih This is of course very encouraging because we realize that during the past 2019-2022 pandemic, the education system at Unud underwent a change where previously it was only face-to-face, now UNUD already has offline and online lecture facilities which are strengthened using the webex platform and the OASE Learning Management System (LMS). Watiniasih further explained that the current human resources at FMIPA are 183 lecturers, of which 19 lecturers have professorships and as many as 61 people have the title Lector and Lecturer. Besides that, FMIPA also has 57 staff members who are divided into civil servants and contract staff. In the Dean's Performance Report for 2022, FMIPA's Key Performance Indicators (IKU) have a good value where most of the targeted KPIs can be exceeded. Watiniasih also explained several educational development activities that had been carried out including the development of an OBE-based curriculum and preparation for ASIIN international accreditation. In the field of Research, FMIPA produces an average of over 50 scientific publications per year in 2016-2022. Meanwhile, in the field of community service, FMIPA has also carried out a lot of service in various fields both nationally and internationally involving various components of society, researchers and students. It is undeniable that the future development of FMIPA is getting better, this is indicated by the use of a new 4-floor building on the Bukit Campus which is intended for use as classrooms, laboratory rooms, administration rooms, and FMIPA leadership rooms. This building is one of two new buildings owned by FMIPA and is expected to be able to improve the quality of education at FMIPA. In the end, Watiniasih expressed her hope "hopefully this field assessment can run well, and what we hope is that Superior accreditation can be achieved".


Meanwhile the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P., IPU in his remarks representing the Chancellor of Udayana University expressed his happiness, gratitude and pride for the visit of LAMSAMA assessors from Senior Universities namely ITB and UB to carry out field assessments of the Mathematics Study Program, FMIPA UNUD. Rai Maya said that FMIPA and Mathematics Study Program had implemented many things, but she also realized that nothing was perfect. For this reason, Rai conveyed the Chancellor's hopes as well as the hopes of all the FMIPA academic community, that the field assessment process could run well, the assessors could use their best cameras to aim and photograph the best conditions of our institution. Rai also added that he asked for input from the assessors for the development of the FMIPA Mathematics PS so that it could become an even better PS. In closing which was marked by the hammering, Rai, representing the Chancellor of UNUD, said n Field assessment activities for PS Mathematics FMIPA were officially opened.


In his introductory session, the LAMSAMA assessor represented by Prof. Dr. Robert Saragih, M.T. expressed his gratitude for the welcome from Udayana University. We assessors, in this case representing LAMSAMA, will try to carry out our duties properly and capture the actual conditions on the ground with our best cameras. Roberd hoped that the AL process which was carried out for two days could be carried out well, run according to schedule, and asked for permission to be given access to educational support systems and facilities at FMIPA UNUD, especially in the Mathematics PS. As a final word, Saragih reiterated his hope that the AL process could be carried out well.


After the introductory session, AL is continued with the UPPS session, where in this session the assessors will cross check the data and field conditions compared to the LKPS and Self Evaluation sent to LAMSAMA.