PT Radhiyan Petcare held a Scholarship Walk-in Interview for Unud FKH Students

PT. Radhiyan Petcare held a Scholarship Walk-in Interview for prospective students of veterinary professional education at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, which took place in the Meeting Room on the first floor of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Denpasar (11/07/2023). The scholarship selection activity was attended by the Coordinator of the Veterinary Professional Study Program, Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Dwinata, M.Kes who also opened scholarship selection activities. Meanwhile from PT. Radhiyan hadri General Director namely Drh. Radhiyan and the selection committee team.



The scholarship walk-in interview activity was attended by 8 prospective veterinary professional education students, namely students who had just graduated from a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine (S.K.H). The activity began with a briefing by the DVM Coordinating Study Program, Prof. Dwinata regarding the technical level of Professional Education and continued by Drh. Radhiyan regarding the rights and obligations of the scholarship recipients. Followed by an online psychological test where prospective scholarship recipients do it with a laptop. After the psychological test stage, the prospective scholarship recipients conduct one-by-one interview tests with the team from PT. Radhiyan. Drh. Radhiyan explained that later the scholarship winners would receive tuition payment fees and later would have the opportunity to directly get a work contract with PT. Radhiyan.



This Scholarship Selection is one of the work implementations of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between PT. Radhiyan with FVM Unud in terms of education. "It is hoped that this scholarship can help students excel in continuing their studies," said Prof. Dwinata in his speech. Of the eight potential scholarship recipients, 5-6 awardee will be selected which will be announced around next month.