Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Holds Judisium and Inauguration of Veterinarians for the June 2023 Period

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FVM Unud) is holding a Yudisium and Inauguration of Veterinarians in 2023, Wednesday (23/06/2023). The event was held offline at the Agrocomplex Building, UNUD Campus, Jl. PB. Sudirman Denpasar. The Judiciary and Inauguration activities were attended by the Dean, Deputy Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Heads, Laboratory Heads, Sub-coordinators in the Unud FVM Environment, besides that, representatives of the Bali Branch of the Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) were also present, Chair Udayana University Veterinary Alumni Association, Head of the Bali Agricultural Quarantine Center, Head of the Denpasar Veterinary Center, Head of the Denpasar Agricultural Technology Study Center, Representative of the Head of the Denpasar Superior Livestock Breeding Center, Representative of the Head of the Bali Province Agriculture Service, Representative of the Head of the Animal Health Sector of the Denpasar City Agriculture Service, Representative from PT. Charoen Pockpand, PT, Wonokoyo. The number of graduates who attended were: 27 graduates of Veterinary Medicine, 48 graduates of the Judisium Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, and 4 graduates of the Masters of Veterinary Medicine.


The event began with a prayer reading represented by Ni Putu Eka Nadi which was then continued with the report of the Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning FVM Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, M.Sc. Dr. Sudisma conveyed that the number of yudisium participants consisted of 4 people from the master program, 27 people from the professional program, and 48 people from the undergraduate program. Until now, the number of graduates from Udayana FVM drh is 2752 people. The highest GPA for the veterinary profession program was 3.88 and the lowest was 3.36 with an average of 3.62. Based on the length of study, the veterinary profession, graduating on time (3 semesters) was 27 people (96.4%) and 8 semesters as many as 1 person (4.6%). The highest GPA for the bachelor of veterinary medicine was 3.94, the lowest GPA was 2.72 and the average GPA was 3.76. Based on the length of study of the undergraduate veterinary program, there were 45 students (93.75%) 8 semesters, 1 person (2.08%) 10 semesters, 1 person (2.08%) 15 semesters, and 1 person 25 students ( 2.08%) . The highest GPA for the Master of Veterinary Medicine program is 3.98, the lowest GPA is 3.89 and the average GPA is 3.94. Based on the length of study, 2 students (50%) graduated on time (4 semesters), 1 person (25%) passed 5 semesters, 1 person (25%) graduated 9 semesters.


The event continued with the inauguration and swearing in of veterinarians by the Dean. At the time of taking the oath, the veterinarians were accompanied by clergy from each religion professed by the veterinarians who were sworn in, including Hindu, Muslim, Catholic and Protestant Christian clergy. The reading of the code of ethics for the veterinary profession was carried out after the inauguration and swearing in of the veterinarians was read by the chairman of the Bali branch of PDHI (Prof. Dr. Drh. I Ketut Puja, M.kes). the event then continued with the submission of transcripts and graduation medals by the Dean, accompanied by the chairman of the senate, vice deans and study program coordinators. The highest GPA in the Veterinary Medicine Masters Program was achieved by drh. Ni Wayan Intan Martinez, S.KH., M.Si, the highest GPA for the veterinary profession program was achieved by drh. Putu Diva Adiwinata, S.KH., The highest GPA for the undergraduate program in Veterinary Medicine was achieved by Stephanie Ariella Gunawan, S,KH. master of veterinary medicine achieved by drh. Putu Ayu Dina, S.KH., M.Si, The best graduate award in the veterinary profession program was won by drh. Risma Yolanda Timor, S.KH., the best graduate of the bachelor of veterinary program was won by I Made Bagirate, S.KH. All the best graduates in the study program are still graduating with cum laude predicate.


The Dean of FVM Unud congratulated the graduation participants for being able to complete their education well. Prof. Suartha also conveyed a message to the yudisium participants and their families namely "veterinarians to carry out their profession by adhering to the oath and code of ethics of veterinarians, and immediately joining veterinary professional organizations. program for the veterinary profession, while graduates of the master of veterinary medicine are required to return to their respective duties at their workplaces.”


The event was continued with remarks and messages from representatives of the graduation participants, drh. Risma Yolanda Timor, S.KH. expressed his gratitude for the knowledge and experience that had been provided as well as the facilities in achieving all of this to the academic community of FVM Unud. The event continued with remarks and messages from representatives of the parents of the graduation participants. Representatives of graduate parents expressed their gratitude to Udayana University, especially FVM Unud, for guiding and educating our sons and daughters patiently so that they can achieve good graduation. Veterinary graduates are expected to be able to implement their knowledge to the community diligently and with full commitment. The veterinary graduate graduation program and the inauguration of veterinarians went well. The event ended by taking a group photo (O.).