Constitutional Moot Court Training 2023 Breeds Budding Jurists in the Field of Constitution and State Administration

Author: CMCT 2023 Organizing Committee | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, - Constitutional Moot Court Training 2023 (CMCT) was officially closed on Sunday (06/25/2023). CMCT is one of the moot court training platforms at FH UNUD that focuses on constitutional justice. CMCT was initiated by Udayana Moot Court Community (UMCC). CMCT 2023 activities consisted of 4 series of events attended by 20 active students of FH UNUD, which were then divided into 4 delegations. This activity was opened in mid-May with a Seminar filled by 3 speakers who are lecturers of FH UNUD. 


Then continued with a series of events in the form of Small Class, Focus Group Discussion, Filing Activities, and Trial Practice. The activity ended with Internal Mooting which took place at the Denpasar District Court of Corruption on June 24-25, 2023. The Internal Mooting activity is an event where the results of the trial practice of the participants are displayed, which this time uses the scheme of testing the Law against the 1945 Constitution or Judicial Review in the Constitutional Court.


Total of 4 delegations were confronted with each other in a trial that was held for 2 days. In each trial, 2 delegates met and argued their case as the Petitioner and as the Government/DPR RI who were the testifying parties. Meanwhile, the judges in this trial were taken from FH UNUD lecturers and alumni, along with active FH UNUD students who have experience in national level competitions (CMCC). In addition, there was also an evaluator, Dr. I Dewa Gede Palguna, S.H., M.Hum. (Lecturer of FH UNUD and former Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia) who provided overall input on the simulation of judicial review trials to the participants.


Through this activity, it is expected to provide knowledge specifically in the field of constitutional law (HTN) and constitutional justice. Not only that, with the implementation of CMCT 2023 activities, it is expected to increase the interest of FH UNUD students in the field of HTN specialization in the future. In addition, it is also expected to increase student interest in participating in moot court competitions, debates, and other competitions related to the constitution. 


With the beating of the gong by the Vice Dean III FH UNUD, the entire series of CMCT 2023 was officially closed. See you at the CMCT in the following years, budding young jurists of Indonesia.