The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Released 56 Candidates for Graduates at the 154th Yudisium

The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held activities to increase the entrepreneurial spirit for prospective graduates during the 154th graduation period on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at Meeting Room II of the Jimbaran Dean Building. Today's event to Improve Entrepreneurial Spirit for Graduates and Judiciary aims to provide training on entrepreneurial insights to graduates for this period by inviting alumni speakers, namely Mr. Made Bramasta Vikana Putra S.Kom who has experience in the world of work. This activity was coupled with the Release of Graduates/Judicium of the Faculty of Engineering which is the final cycle of the Formal Education process at the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.



At the 154th Yudisium, 56 graduates of the Faculty of Engineering were released, consisting of 37 male graduates and 19 female graduates with the title of graduation with honors 15 people, 25 people very satisfying, and 16 people satisfying. The Best Graduates of the Faculty of Engineering from the Doctoral, Masters and Bachelor Programs are Dr. I Nyoman Suta Widnyana, S.T.,M.T. from Doctor of Engineering Study Program, Ni Putu Yunita Laura Vianthi, S.Ars., M.Ars. from the Master of Architecture Study Program, and Putu Anesti Pita Mahaswari, S.T. from the Bachelor of Civil Engineering Study Program.


The Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program in this period graduated its first batch of students. Deputy Dean I, Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Budiarsa, M.T., Ph.D., IPU. Congratulating the Industrial Engineering Study Program, as a new Study Program, it has been able to produce graduates. Graduates at the Faculty of Engineering are now implementing/competence-oriented/competency-based education. This means that the competencies and learning outcomes previously have been developed so that they are now more complete. Hopefully the graduates will be able to advance their study programs and the Faculty of Engineering will try to prepare workers in more diverse fields such as water management and biomedical fields.



The best Bachelor graduate, Putu Anesti Pita Mahaswari, S.T. feel proud to be part of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. “I feel very honored to be one of the representatives of prospective graduates. We feel very proud to have graduated from one of the well-known universities, especially in Bali, namely Udayana University and have also graduated on time. Our hope/message for the Faculty of Engineering is that it can become an educational forum that is able to give birth to young people who have an entrepreneurial spirit so that they can compete in the world of work or can generate new jobs for the community," he added.