Udayana University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Holds Coordination at Faculty Leadership Meetings

On Thursday 7 June 2023, the Leaders of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University held a leadership meeting in the 3rd Floor Meeting Room of FVM Udayana University, Jimbaran Campus which started at 09.00 WITA. The meeting was attended by the Dean, Vice Dean for Academic and Planning, Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Study Program Coordinators (Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Master of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Professional Education), Unit Coordinators (UPIKS , UP2M, UP3M), Study Program Quality Assurance Implementation Team, Curriculum Team, Director of the Teaching Animal Hospital, Ethical Eligibility Coordinator, Head of Laboratory, Domestic and International Cooperation Team, Head of Happy Grief, Administrative Coordinator, and Sub-Coordinators at FVM Udayana University environment. The meeting began with an opening by the Dean, then continued with a presentation regarding the results of the Udayana University leadership meeting with the Rector of Udayana University.


The meeting discussed preparation for admission of new students, graduation, inauguration of professors, student study period, synchronization of student data at PD-DIKTI, Independent Learning Campus, inspiring research, electronic attendance, appointment of new and old employees, new and old facilities, Key Performance Indicators, and the internationalization of FVM Udayana University.


The Vice Dean for Academic and Planning Affairs reports on the need for guidance on students so that they graduate on time. Data synchronization at PD-DIKTI must also be carried out so that in the future there will be no problems, especially with the diploma number. Research inspires plans to be held at the national and even international level which must be jointly supported for the advancement of the institution. The Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance explained about electronic attendance for lecturers and teaching staff at Udayana University's FKH environment. The appointment of contract employees to become BLU is also important to do in order to improve quality and competence in the future. The construction of new facilities will soon be completed, including the access road which will soon be repaired. Procurement of curtains in each room has been carried out and will enter the realization stage. The need for facilities and materials in each laboratory will be fulfilled according to the submission. The Vice Dean for Student Affairs informed that student activities had been going according to the plan at the beginning. The need for support from lecturers and teaching staff in the success of each student activity. Students have a lot of potential both academic and non-academic that must be supported and continuously developed. This can be useful as evidence of achievement and become supporting data for agency accreditation.


With the end of the meeting of the leadership of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, it is hoped that the realization of activities can move more efficiently and according to plan. Hopefully, the coordination at this meeting will be useful for future agencies.