Guest Lecture Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University with the topic

The Civil Engineering Study Program at Udayana University held a guest lecture hosted by TS.DR. Muhammad Shazril Idris Ibrahim from the University of Malaya, Malaysia with the topic "Coastal Engineering". The guest lecture was attended by Civil Engineering students taking the Coastal and Harbor Engineering course (DET4162). This event began with remarks from Ir. Ida Ayu Made Budiwati, MSc., Ph.D. as Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering Study Program at Udayana University. “We are very happy to have the opportunity to hear lectures from Universiti of Malaya which is the oldest University in Malaysia and part of the 100 QS-World University Ranking. Coastal Engineering is important for civil engineering students because we know Bali is famous for its beautiful beaches in the world. On this occasion, we hope that civil engineering students can increase their interest in hydro concentration, especially in the field of coastal engineering," said Ms. Ida Ayu Budiwati in her remarks.



Dr. Eng. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, ST, MT, M.Eng, one of the lecturers in the Coastal and Port Engineering course, led the discussion as a moderator. Dr. Shazril explained his research on the physical model of breakwater protection when completing his doctoral program at The University of Queensland, Australia. He also presented shoreline analysis research with his PhD students in Malaysia using satellite imagery extracted from COASTSAT and SWAS and ANUGA numerical models. He explained, all software is open source so that everyone can use it. He also said the importance of conducting research & development in the field of coastal engineering so that we don't have to pay royalties to other countries (for example, if the project uses tetrapod breakwater armor, they have to pay Japan).


The event was closed with a closing statement from the head of the civil engineering department and awarding a certificate to Dr. Shazril. "We thank you for your willingness to be able to share knowledge with our students. We hope that in the future we can continue to collaborate with Udayana University, especially with the Department of Civil Engineering," said Mrs. Ida Ayu Budiwati to Dr. Shazril.