In the Context of Research Collaboration, Padjadjaran University paid a visit to the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Received a visit from Padjadjaran University on Friday, June 9, 2023 at the Meeting Room of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Jimbaran. This visit was part of a research collaboration between PUI-PT Functional Nano Powder (FiNder U-CoE) and the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. The visit from Padjadjaran University was represented by Prof. Dr. Eng. I Made Joni, M.Sc., along with his staff and received by the Dean of FT Unud, Deputy Dean I, Deputy Dean II, and their staff.



The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University has collaborated with Padjadjaran University in developing various projects, ranging from scientific research and industrial cooperation to collaboration in the fields of energy and the environment. The initiation of this collaboration began with the Udayana University of Engineering visiting Padjadjaran University to learn about nanotechnology. This is in line because almost all study programs in Udayana Engineering have nanotechnology, the follow-up is in the form of collaboration so that outside guidance is carried out. In fact, the Faculty of Engineering had pioneered the creation of PUI related to nanotechnology seeing the potential for almost all study programs to be involved in the hope that this project can run in the future.



Nanotechnology is not only in engineering, other fields such as agriculture and medicine also require nanotechnology. Bali is currently experiencing agricultural degradation, and of course with new technology, this degradation can be avoided. From this visit it is hoped that there will be engagement between Padjadjaran University and the Udayana Faculty of Engineering, "From this visit, whatever ideas are obtained here, we can start." Said Prof. I Made Joni in discussion.