Udayana Faculty of Medicine Students Represent Bali-NTB in the National Pilmapres Event

Proud news came again from Udayana Faculty of Medicine students in the Achievement Student Selection (Pilmapres) event. This time it was I Gede Aswin Parisya Sasmana's turn to make achievements. After being selected as an outstanding student at the Udayana University level, Aswin is now again making FK and UNUD proud by becoming 1st Place at the LLDIKTI Regional Level under the guidance of Dr. dr. Urged Made Wihandani, M. Kes.


Aswin managed to excel from other contestants through Academic and Non-Academic Achievement Assessments, English Language Assessment, and Creative Ideas by bringing up the idea of "Blood-based Cancer Detector through Multi-Omics Analysis".


This activity was held from 17 to 24 May 2023 with the awarding ceremony held at the LLDIKTI Region VIII office, Denpasar.


Pilmapres or Student Achievement Election is a student competition held by the National Achievement Center under the auspices of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education every year. The aim is to give appreciation to the best students who are ready to become agents of change to build a better Indonesia. With a focus on Bachelor and Diploma programs.