Lab / Section of International Law FH UNUD Organizes National Seminar

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - The National Seminar (Semnas) with the topic "Dynamics of Indonesia-Israel Relations in the Perspective of International Law" was organized by the Lab / Section of International Law FH UNUD on Tuesday (06/06/2023) in the Hall of FH UNUD Denpasar Campus offline and online. The Dean of FH UNUD, Prof. Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, S.H., M.Hum opened the Semnas directly after the Chairperson of the Committee as well as the Head of the Lab / International Law Section, I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja, S.H., M.Hum, LLM, Ph.D read the activity report. 


The topic of Semnas became interesting to discuss because of Indonesia's failure to host the U20 World Cup due to the presence of the Israeli national team. To review the dynamics of Indonesia-Israel relations from the perspective of international law, several speakers were presented, namely: International Law Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Law, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan (Dr. Mahendra Putra Kurnia, S.H., M.H) who is also the Head Legal Officer of Borneo FC, International Law Lecturer of FH UNUD (Made Maharta Yasa, S.H., M.H), FH UNUD alumni (Ni Kadek Mirah Dita Ratnadi, S.H. and Dewa Ayu Kila Barko Lingga, S.H.) and FH UNUD students (Ni Putu Ayu Eka Pratiwi and I Made Suwandana Putra). Each speaker discussed Indonesia-Israel relations in terms of history, foreign policy and the possibility of normalization in the future.


The seminar was well attended by the Vice Dean I and Vice Dean III of FH UNUD, Coordinator of Master Program of Kenotariatan Master Program of FH UNUD, Coordinator of Master Program of Law Science Master Program of FH UNUD, Head of Lab/Section in FH UNUD, lecturers of FH UNUD, undergraduate and graduate students of FH UNUD, undergraduate students of FH Dwijendra University, Warmadewa University, Ngurah Rai University and National Education University. The discussion was interactive between offline and online participants. They were very interested in the reasons behind Indonesia's refusal to accept the Israeli national team and the existence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Regulation on General Guidelines for Foreign Relations by Local Governments which states that Indonesia does not have diplomatic relations with Israel and opposes the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and people.