Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University Receives Visit of Health Vocational High School Comparative Study Prof. Dr. Moestopo majoring in Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory Technology

Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University Receives Visit of Health Vocational High School Comparative Study Prof. Dr. Moestopo majoring in Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory Technology


Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Faculty of Medicine, Udayan University, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K) received a visit from Prof. Health Vocational School. Dr. Moestopo majoring in Pharmacy & TLM (Medical Laboratory Technology) led directly by Fransisca Agustina, S.E., M.M. (Principal) is located in Dr. AA Made Djelantik, Faculty of Medicine Building, Denpasar. (11/5/2023)


The purpose of this visit was for a comparative study and to add insight and knowledge to students regarding the linkages in the fields of science between the Udayana Faculty of Medicine and the Prof. Health Vocational School. Dr. Moestopo majoring in Pharmacy & TLM


In his remarks, Dr. Eka expressed his gratitude for choosing the Faculty of Medicine as a place for comparative studies and explained the study programs in the Faculty of Medicine.

"We hope that after this visit, students of Prof. Dr. Moestopo Health Vocational School majoring in Pharmacy and TLM (Medical Laboratory Technology) can choose to continue their studies at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University." he said.


After the remarks from the Deputy Dean, the event continued with profile presentations from each Coordinator of the Undergraduate Study Program and a discussion session which closed with an exchange of souvenirs.


This event was also attended by the Coordinators of the FK Unud Undergraduate Study Program, while from the Health Vocational School Prof. Dr. Moestopo majoring in Pharmacy and TLM (Medical Laboratory Technology) participated and invited Yusep Zaelani, S.E. (Wakasek. Curriculum), Giri Ginanjar, S.Pd. (Wakasek Bag. Sarpras), Wawat Srinawati, M.Pd. (Wakasek Section of Public Relations), Apt. Debby Transillia, S. Farm (Head of the Pharmacy Study Program), Head of Administration and teaching staff (Teachers).