Civil Engineering Study Program Students, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Win Achievements in the 2023 Session XI Civil Engineering Innovation Contest (CEIC)

The CEIC Session XI is an annual event of the Dipenogoro University Semarang Civil Student Association since 2014 which aims to spur an increase in the research climate and competition as well as intelligence in the scientific field of civil engineering.


In the CEIC Session XI this time the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana succeeded in passing 2 finalist teams, namely the UNUD Emerald Team and the UNUD IDIC 1 Team which were guided by Dr. Mawiti Infantry Yekti, ST., MT. these two teams passed the International Dam Innovation Contest category which was joined by other participants from Brawijaya University - East Java Province, Mataram University - NTB Province, ITS - East Java Province, Muhammadiyah University Malang - East Java Province, UGM - Yogyakarta Special Region Province, Polytechnic PU - Central Java Province, Diponegoro University - Central Java Province.

Emerald Unud Team

Carrying out two dam design innovations the UNUD Emerald Team consists of I Wayan Ary K Gayana (1905511065), Joko Slamet Priyadi (2005511043), and May Lisa Setyaning (2005511064) with 'Nyambai Payuan Dam Planning as Flood Control and New Area Development in Oku Selatan Based Renewable Energy' won 1st Runner Up.


Next, the UNUD IDIC 1 Team consisted of I Kadek Yoga Dwi Mahendra (1905511136) Putu Sasiwimba Aryadewi (2005511077) Rahel Evangeline T.H. (2005511079) with 'Multifunctional Reservoir Innovation with Solar Panels in the Downstream Body of the Banyu Ulak Dam, South Oku Regency on Sumatra Island' won 2nd Runner Up.