Prodi MIH FH UNUD Organizes International Seminar:

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - An International Seminar with the topic "Interdisclipinary Approaches in Legal Studies" was held by the Master of Law Study Program (S2) FH UNUD on Friday (14/04/2023) in the Hall of FH UNUD Denpasar Campus. The international seminar was held in a hybrid manner (offline and online) and was opened by the Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs, Planning and Cooperation of FH UNUD.

The 4 speakers presented, namely: Fatos Selita, LLB (Barrister of England and Wales and Attorney of the State of New York), Prof. Yulia Kovas, Ph.D (Professor of Genetics and Psychology at Goldsmiths University in London; Visiting Professor at New York University in London), I Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja, S.H., M.H., LLM, Ph.D (Lecturer at Lab/Section of International Law FH UNUD), Jay Maulana, S.H. (Student of Master Program (S2) of Law Science FH UNUD) which was moderated by I Made Budi Arsika, S.H., LLM (Lecturer of Lab/Section of International Law FH UNUD).

Participants who attended this international seminar were very diverse starting from the academic community of FH UNUD, foreign students from Germany and France), alumni of FH UNUD, lecturers and students from various Law Faculties in Bali and outside the Bali region including Universidade da Paz (Timor Leste) and various related government agencies. The discussion was very interesting, some offline participants who were present in the Hall and online participants who joined through the webex platform asked questions to the 4 speakers.

The purpose of this seminar was to explore, identify and discuss the interdisciplinary approach in studying law. The advantages of an interdisciplinary approach in studying law help build critical thinking and cognitive abilities and analyze legal issues from various perspectives.