Implementation of International Cooperation with the ICRC: Emerging IHL Academics Workshop 2023

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS


Jimbaran, - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and FH UNUD held the Emerging International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Academics Workshop 2023 as one of the implementations of international cooperation on February 28 - March 3, 2023 at the Segara Meeting Room, Jimbaran Bay Beach Resort and Spa. 


Head of the Department of Law/Legal Advisor of the Regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross for Indonesia and Timor Leste, Christian Donny Putranto, SH, LLM gave a speech and continued by the Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs, Planning and Cooperation of FH UNUD, Dr. Desak Putu Dewi Kasih, SH, M.Hum opened the IHL Academics Workshop. This activity was attended by academics from various universities in Indonesia: University of Indonesia, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Parahyangan Catholic University, Sebelas Maret University, Pelita Harapan University, Islamic University of Indonesia, Padjajaran University, Sultan Ageng Tirta Yasa University, Mataram University, Syiah Kuala University, Tanjung Pura University, Sam Ratulangi University, President University, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Pattimura University, Dwijendra University and representatives from the Directorate General of General Legal Administration and the National Law Development Agency of Kemenkumham RI. The 2 representatives from UNUD, namely: Dr. Piers Andreas Noak, SH, M.Si (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) and Tjokorda Istri Diah Widyantari Pradnya Dewi, SH, MH (Lab/Section of International Law Faculty of Law) as well as 2 facilitators from Lab/Section of International Law Faculty of Law UNUD: I Made Budi Arsika, SH, LLM and Made Suksma Prijandhini Devi Salain, SH, MH, LLM.


On the second day of the workshop, Professor of the Faculty of Law of UNUD in the field of International Law, Prof. Dr. I Made Pasek Diantha, SH., MS. gave a presentation entitled "International Humanitarian Law and its Position in the Indonesian Legal System". This session was highly anticipated by the participants because the material provided harmonized International Law and National Law in the field of humanitarian law. The workshop activities carried out for 4 days were very interesting because they used various methods, ranging from material exposure, presentations, discussions, simulations and IHL role plays consisting of Government Parties, Academics, Weapons Companies.