Record Breaking!!! 137 new engineers from the Unified Postgraduate Professional Engineer Program Study Program

Postgraduate Program of Udayana University (Udayana University) held the release of the 114th Graduate Candidates for the first period of 2023 on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, in the Hall Room of the Postgraduate Building, 3rd Floor, Denpasar. This activity was carried out offline and attended by the director, deputy directors, coordinators of the UNUD Postgraduate Study Program, chairperson of the Indonesian Professional Engineers (PII) Bali Region, central PII representatives who attended online, and a total of 143 prospective graduates from the Master of Occupational Physiology and Ergonomics Study Program, Master of Environmental Science, and Professional Engineer Program.



"At the release of prospective graduates this time there is something special for us; a number of 137 out of 143 prospective graduates this time are new engineers who will be inaugurated this morning,"  said Prof. Dr. I. Wayan Budiasa, SP., MP., Deputy Director of Postgraduate Academic Affairs Unud, in his report. Six other prospective graduates came from the Master of Occupational Physiology and Ergonomics and Master of Environmental Science Study Programs, as many as three each.


PII Center through its representative, Prof. Dr. Ir. Asep Kurnia Permadi, IPU as Chair of the PII Governing Board, highly appreciates the graduation of new engineers from PSPPI Postgraduate University. "With the addition of 137 new engineers from PSPPI Postgraduate Unud, it adds to the long list of engineers in our records of Professional Engineers Indonesia; a total of 523 engineers have been born from PSPPI Postgraduate Unud," he said.



The release ceremony ended with remarks from Dr. Ir. Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, ST, MA, IPU, ASEAN Eng., Chairman of PII Bali Region, who expressed his appreciation for the birth of so many new engineers who were ready to contribute to Bali and the National. On the other hand, Dr. Acwin also reminded the engineers to immediately achieve their professional engineer competence by completing and submitting their respective FAIP "Beli Sayur ke Kenanga (cakeppp), Jangan Lupa Beli Duren (cakeppp), Ini Insinyur Udayana (cakeppp), Keren.. Keren..." he said. Cool... Dr. Acwin's closing rhyme, "Extraordinary, PSPPI Postgraduate Unud Breaks Records!" was accompanied by boisterous applause from the prospective graduates.(bmp)