FMIPA held a Release of Impressions of Prospective FMIPA Graduates for the February 2023 Period

Wednesday 22 February 2023, in the Nusantara Hall room of the Agrocomplex Building at Udayana University, FMIPA held a Lepas Impression of Candidates for FMIPA Graduates for the February 2023 Period.

This routine event which is held before graduation which aims to officially confirm the release of prospective FMIPA graduates to parents and the general public was attended by the Dean of FMIPA Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D, vice deans, study program coordinators, unit heads, prospective graduates, parents of prospective graduates, and education staff.

In the report of the head of the committee as well as Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning, Dr. Drs, G. K. Gandhiadi, M.T, thanks be to God Almighty because it is with His blessings that we can gather here at the graduation ceremony for prospective graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University for the period of February 2023. By Gandhiadi said, this activity is a routine activity carried out ahead of graduation with the aim of officially confirming the release of prospective FMIPA graduates to parents and the general public. After the event to release this impression, the prospective alumni still have one task, namely to continue to feel proud to be part of the Udayana University FMIPA academic community. We hope that later the prospective alumni will be able to contribute to society and also to the alma mater, one of which is by providing input on the future development of FMIPA. I hope that later if there is a tracer study so that it can fill in and give a response which fields need to be addressed to be used as the basis for developing the progress of Udayana University's Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Furthermore, Gandhiadi stated that in the release of the impression for the period of February 2023, FMIPA graduated 1 person from a PhD in Biology, 5 from a Bachelor of Chemistry, 9 from a Bachelor of Physics, 5 from a Bachelor of Biology, 12 from a Bachelor of Mathematics, 4 from a Bachelor of Informatics. the average GPA of graduates for the current period is 3.78 with a length of study of 5 years and 2 months. Hopefully what is accepted at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University will be able to become a provision for the future.

We do not forget to congratulate Farrell Willieardan, S.Si. who became the best FMIPA graduate with a GPA of 3.86 and a study period of 7 semesters in this period. Congratulations and keep on inspiring your younger siblings so that Udayana University's Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences continues to thrive, said Gandhiadi in his closing remarks.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FMIPA, Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D in her remarks conveyed that it is a matter of pride for us younger siblings and families that today there are alumni of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and prospective alumni of Udayana University who have completed their studies for a certain period of time. learning about rights and social sciences while studying at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University and this is an honor for us and equips our younger siblings to be able to move forward. Our hope is of course that younger siblings who continue their studies or work in the community are always successful and can develop themselves further so that they can become the pride of their parents and alma mater. Even though we are experiencing a period of pandemic which forces us to study online, thankfully, with the help of the system we have, younger siblings can conduct lectures well. in the future maybe younger siblings will be disturbed by the tracer study process, please help to fill in the data properly so that the institutional development process in relation to accreditation can be carried out properly.

We apologize if there are things that are not pleasing, and I also congratulate my younger siblings, the parents whom we are proud of and whom we respect for allowing their children to study at the Faculty of Science, Udayana University. Ladies and gentlemen, all of us are part of us, we are also big because of the role of you too.

Don't Forget Watiniasih reminds alumni to always maintain the good name of the alma mater so that the FMIPA extended family will be even more prosperous.

As an alumni representative, Farrell Willieardan, S.Si expressed his gratitude for the completion of our studies at FMIPA. Not only colleagues who can smile but also see the people around us who have been fighting behind us by encouraging us to push us to arrive at this stage of our achievement and happiness is a great happiness for them, grateful and proud have completed one of their mandates the smile that appears on their face is a small part of all the happiness we hope for. We are certainly experiencing difficult times carrying out lectures affected by the covid pandemic. Hard work and perseverance to foster enthusiasm so that we can get through difficult times while studying in college appear and can slowly reduce the deficiencies we experience. On behalf of the graduates, I would like to thank all the ranks of leaders, lecturers, academic staff, and of course friends in arms at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for all the assistance with facilities and knowledge and learning and friendship that have been given while studying at this faculty. we can meet again with each other's success because graduation is not the end but of but the beginning of everything.

Meanwhile, messages and impressions from representatives of the parents of prospective graduates who are also the parents of Farrell Willieardan, S.Si, conveyed "Thank you to all leaders, lecturers and all parties who have guided, educated our children tirelessly and enthusiastically giving his time, energy and thoughts so that our children can finish their studies well. Of course, this happiness is not only ours, the parents, but also ours together. Finally, we congratulate you on the graduation of the batch 152 graduates. pray and always provide support hopefully sorry Hopefully our children can achieve success and happiness in their next life and continue to maintain the good name of the alma mater is useful for the nation and state and society and also for families as a closing If there are words that are not pleasing please open profuse and sincere apologies d oa may we all always be blessed with health and happiness"

The graduation ceremony for Prospective Graduates ended with a group photo per study program. Congratulations to all prospective FMIPA graduates for the period of February 2023, the journey is still long, I hope that the FMIPA extended family will be more successful and able to become alumni who are proud and remain humble. Greetings FMIPA JAYA.