The Global Engagement Program (GEP) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University conducted Mentoring Vol.1

SUMMARY: Denpasar, Press Bureau of FEB Unud - Global Engagement Program (GEP) Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University held Mentoring Vol.1 on Friday, (10/2) online via the Zoom Meeting application with the theme "Initiate an International Undergraduate Program to Prepare our Students to Meet Global Challenge and Competitive in The Global Workplace.” This mentoring activity in a special package aims to prepare GEP students from an early age to face the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) in 2024. This event is a mandatory program that all GEP students from class of 2022 will participate in.




Road to IISMA 2024, GEP Gelar Mentoring Class Vol.1 


This Mentoring Class Vol.1 activity presents three extraordinary speakers to provide assistance to GEP students who will be prepared to take part in IISMA in 2024. The three speakers include Ria Aprilia as IISMA Awardee 2022 at the University of Sydney, Shakira Olivia who is an IISMA Awardee 2022 at University College Cork - National University of Ireland, and I Gede Nandya Oktora P., SE, MBA., CRA., CRP., as the Coordinator of the GEP program. Ria Aprilia, who was the first speaker, discussed material regarding guidelines and various stages that students must go through as a form of consideration to take part in IISMA. To be able to qualify for the IISMA Awardee, which is an international level student exchange event, the competition is not easy and must be prepared carefully. Apart from that, he also explained about the IISMA registration timeline in 2024 so that students are more focused in participating in the selection to prepare everything from now on. Furthermore, Shakira Olivia explained material which provided data regarding applicants from the two host universities representing each university that collaborated with the Ministry of Education and Culture. He mentioned that there are special requirements that must be prepared by students before registering at the intended host university, namely in the form of IELTS, TOEFL iBT, and Duolingo scores that exceed the minimum score limit. Apart from the score on the test, he also revealed that competitors are another important thing that must be considered if you want to choose a host university.





To support the data presented, Shakira Olivia also explained that the world's best universities do not always get the most applicants. For example, Hanyang University in South Korea has received the most applicants compared to Korea University, even though Korea University is one of the best universities in South Korea. This can be caused by the number of courses at Hanyang University which is somewhat larger than that at Korean Universities. Concluding his presentation, he explained that the selection of courses is also crucial because it involves the interest and availability of the host university.



Through this coaching, GEP students gain new knowledge so they can prepare themselves to take part in prestigious international events such as IISMA. After the event goes on, various expectations will arise as an output that this program has been successfully implemented. Likewise with Nandya Oktora who said that GEP students who will be able to compete in the international world will take part in mentoring events which are held regularly in order to gain insight into various strategies in winning the IISMA program, especially choosing the host campus. "This activity is very important to do in order to prepare GEP students to take part in IISMA with more thorough preparation so that more students pass. In addition, GEP will also provide various special programs that increase global exposure which is expected to make GEP students more prepared to face global competition," he said. In line with this, one of the Mentoring Class participants, namely Putu Ari Kammani who is a GEP student from the Accounting Study Program, revealed that this activity was very informative for preparing yourself if you wanted to take part in IISMA. "I am very grateful to be one of the GEP students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University who was given mentoring facilities about IISMA with material that is very easy to understand so that later I hope that I and other GEP students will be more confident and ready to take the IISMA test. Hopefully in the future more students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University will be able to pass IISMA," he said during an online interview. (rsa/snt/oct/ang/els/mty)