Faculty of Agriculture Receives Seed Selection Tool Assistance from PT. AQUA TIR Indonesia and PT Fadeev Agro, Russia

The Faculty of Agriculture on Monday, January 9 2023 at the KPFP (Faculty of Agriculture Experimental Garden) in Pegok received seed selection tool assistance from , PT, AQUA TIR Indonesia and PT. Fadeev Agro from Russia. This event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr.Ir. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana, MM, Deputy Dean I. Dr. Ir. Luh Kartini. MP as PIC of the Faculty of Agriculture, Deputy Dean 2 Prof. Dr Ir. I Gusti Agung Ayu Annie Ambarawati. Mr. Mikhail Kuritsyin Main Director of PT, AQUA TIR Indonesia, Dr. Anastasia representative from PT Fadeev Agro Russia, Mr. Santoso Main Director of PT Maju Makmur Utomo, Mr. Ir. Ida Bagus Arsana Main Director of PT Bali Sri Organik, Head of Agroecotechnology S1 Study Program, Head of Agribusiness S1 Study Program, Head of Biotechnology Masters Study Program, Head of Agroecotechnology Masters Study Program, and attended by lecturers and students from the Seed Breeding Laboratory.
Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana, MM. in his direction expressed his gratitude to PT, AQUA TIR Indonesia and PT. Fadeev Agro from Russia who has provided grain sorting machine assistance to the Faculty of Agriculture and in the future this collaboration will continue for increasingly advanced technological developments together.
In his remarks, a team from PT Feeedev Russia, Dr. Anastasia. stated that this seed selection tool is very good for helping us sort seeds and sorting directly based on the weight of the seeds, both rice and sorghum. This tool divides into 4 boxes, you can say there are great A, B, C, D and this tool can directly separate the seeds that may still be dirty containing small stones. And in the future the Faculty of Agriculture of Udayana University can inform this tool to the wider community. PT Team Feedev also immediately provided training on the use of this seed selection tool to the participants who were present there.